Monday, December 20, 2010

Weekly Update December 17

Good Afternoon!

It was great to see everyone at the concert last night and at the Forks performance. The band did great!

The ski trip has been booked. We will need a deposit payment by Monday, December 20, 20010 for $58.00. Please make the cheque payable to Beautiful Savior Lutheran School. Then we will need the rest of the payment (rentals & lift ticket) by January 19, 2011. Please make the cheque payable to Beautiful Savior Lutheran School.

The students will have transportation to the MTYP play on Jan. 6. Thanks Mrs. Woo and Mrs. Katyrynuik.

Thanks to all who brought in their items and money for the Christmas hamper. It will be delivered as soon as I can reach the family.

ELA—We are completing a short novel study on The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. If there is time before the break we will finish the Short Stories Anthology. Three Reader Responses for December are due Dec. 21.

Math--Grade 7s finished Ch. 4 on Percents, Decimals and Fractions and had a test that was sent home and should have been signed on Thursday night. Grade 8s have completed Ch. 4 on Fractions, Decimals and Percents and had their test that also was sent home on Thursday for signing.

Social Studies--Students are looking at the most powerful people in the world and why they are powerful.

Science—We completed our lessons on sustainable development and will start to compare cellular respiration to photosynthesis in the new year.

French—We continued our Christmas study through various activities in class.

Dates to Remember:
Dec. 20--Shops p.m., Lunch Lady Forms Due
Dec. 21—Three Reader Responses Due
Dec. 22--Last Day of School
Jan. 6—First Day Back to School, MTYP a.m.
Jan. 11—Shops p.m.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Weekly Update December 13

Good Morning!

What a super cold weekend! I hope this weather breaks soon!

I sent home two permission slips last week; MTYP for Jan. 6 and the Ski Trip for Jan. 21. Please make sure they are returned by Friday this week so I can count numbers for each. The students will be walking to MTYP if I can't get drivers.

Please check your email for a list of items your child has signed up to bring for our class Christmas Hamper. In addition, the students who did not sign up for three items must bring in $2 to help cover the costs of gifts for the children and fresh goods. Our family consists of a Mom and four children. The items need to be in by Thursday this week so that the hamper can be delivered on Friday or Monday. Thank you in advance.

ELA—We will be starting a short novel study on The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. If there is time before the break we will finish the Short Stories Anthology. Three Reader Responses for December are due Dec. 21.

Math--Grade 7 will finish Ch. 4 on Percents, Decimals and Fractions and have a test Tuesday or Thursday this week. Grade 8s have completed Ch. 4 on Fractions, Decimals and Percents and will be having their test today.

Social Studies--Students arelooking at the most powerful people in the world and why they are powerful.

Science—We finished our case study of the sustainability of the fishing industry and will look at the Aboriginal perspective on sustainability this week.

French—We continued our Christmas study through various activities inclass.

Dates to Remember:
Dec. 16--Christmas Concert at the Church, 6:30--Students arrive at 6:15
Dec. 17--Violin and Band Play at the Forks in the a.m.
Dec. 20--Shops p.m., Lunch Lady Forms Due
Dec. 21—Three Reader Responses Due
Dec. 22--Last Day of School
Jan. 6—First Day Back to School, MTYP a.m.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Weekly Update December 3

You will be receiving information regarding the ski trip shortly. Our tentative date, which will be confirmed next week will be Jan. 21. Costs and deadlines will be included.

ELA—The students are continuing their work on a Short Stories Anthology. Their Creative Writing project rough draft is due on Tuesday and will be completed by the end of the week. Three Reader Responses for December are due Dec. 21. We have been talking about Social, Moral Issues as well as Personal Image in ELA. The student’s watched Happy Feet on this theme and will be answering questions on the movie.

Math--Grade 7 have completed Ch. 3 and have started Ch. 4 on Percents, Decimals and Fractions. Grade 8s are working on the last unit in Ch. 4 on Fractions, Decimals and Percents.

Social Studies--Students discussed and looked at characteristics of the most powerful countries in the world and the least powerful countries.

Science—We have discussed succession through a hypothetical example of succession and we have now been using an article on succession in the Mt. St. Helen’s area. We will begin sustainable development on Monday.

French—We started our Christmas activities in French class.

Dates to Remember:
Dec. 6—Lunch Lady Forms Due
Dec. 10--Shops p.m.
Dec. 16--Christmas Concert at the Church, 6:30
Dec. 17--Violin and Band Play at the Forks in the a.m.
Dec. 20--Shops p.m.
Dec. 21—Three Reader Responses Due
Dec. 22--Last Day of School
Jan. 6—First Day Back to School, MTYP a.m.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Weekly Update November 26

What a snowy week we have had. Please make sure that your student has warm clothes and boots for recess.

Thank-you for attending the Student-Led conferences this week. I’m glad the students were able to show you their work and goals for next term.

The student's poems and artwork that they completed for chapel are on the bulletin board outside the classroom.

ELA—The students are continuing their work on a Short Stories Anthology, Let Me Tell You. They have also been given a new Creative Writing topic to brainstorm for the weekend. Reader Responses for November are due Dec. 1. Students must complete four responses by that date.

Math--Grade 7s are completing Ch. 3 and learned about parallel and perpendicular lines, acute, right and obtuse angles and area of the parallelogram and area of a triangle. There will be a test next week. Grade 8s have started Ch. 4 on Fractions, Decimals and Percents.

Social Studies--Students discussed First and Third World Countries and the differences. We talked about the needs of the Third World Countries and how different organizations help with those needs. The students are researching relief organizations.

Science—We have begun our unit on Ecosystems by defining them, exploring abiotic and biotic factors and we are now examining an example of succession. We will continue this next week and begin sustainable development.

French—We continued our study on verbs in French class.

Dates to Remember:
Nov. 30—Scholastic Book Order Due
Dec. 1—Reader Responses Due
Dec. 2--Shops p.m.
Dec. 10--Shops p.m.
Dec. 16--Christmas Concert at the Church, 6:30
Dec. 17--Violin and Band Play at the Forks in the a.m.
Dec. 20--Shops p.m.
Dec. 22--Last Day of School
Jan. 6—First Day Back to School, MTYP a.m.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Weekly Update November 22

Good Morning!

It seems as though winter has come upon us suddenly. Please make sure that your student has warm clothes for recess. The play, Jason and the Argonauts, that we saw at MTYP was quite good. Most of the students thought it was funny.

Please make sure to sign up for Student Led Conferences this week on Wednesday and Thursday. There are four spots available for each time slot on each night. Mr. Tyborowski will also be available for meetings on Wednesday from 3:30-5:15.

Mr. Dickson has returned back to Brandon University. We thank him for all of his extra help and wish him good luck with his future education and experience.

This Wednesday we will be presenting in Chapel.

ELA—The students are once again working on a Short Stories Anthology, Let Me Tell You. We hope to finish the book by Christmas and will start a class novel in the new year. The new due date for November’s Reader Responses is Dec. 1. Students must complete four responses by that date.

Math--Grade 7s are working on Ch. 3 and learned about parallel and perpendicular lines, acute, right and obtuse angles and area of the parallelogram. Grade 8s have completed Ch. 3, The Pythagorean Theorem, and were tested on Friday. Tests will come home today for signing.

Social Studies--Students discussed First and Third World Countries, their locations, political systems and other characteristics of the countries.

Science—We have begun our unit on Interactions with Ecosystems by examining what the characteristics are for ecosystems. They have a large final project DUE NOV. 26th!

French—We started our study on verbs in French class.

Scholastic Book Orders for December are due on November 29.

Compassion Canada--Please bring your $1 or $10 for the year to chapel on Wednesday.

Shoe Boxes for Samaritan’s Purse—Thank you to everyone for the donations. The boxes were picked up by the paramedics while we were at MTYP on Thursday.

Student Led Conferences--This year student led conferences will be a little different. Four students and parents will be scheduled at a time to view portfolios that the student will show their parent. I will circulate the room to answer any questions. If you wish to have an individual meeting, please schedule that at a different time than the conference days.

Dates to Remember:
Nov. 22--Lunch Lady Lunch
Nov. 23—25—Student Led Conferences
Nov. 24--Shops p.m.
Nov. 25--Sobey's Gift Card Orders Due
Nov. 26--Perogy Orders Due
Dec. 2--Shops p.m.
Dec. 10--Shops p.m.
Dec. 16--Christmas Concert at the Church
Dec. 17--Violin and Band Play at the Forks in the a.m.
Dec. 20--Shops p.m.
Dec. 22--Last Day of School

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me or call the school for immediate contact.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Weekly Update Nov. 10

Good Afternoon!

The school attended a very moving Remembrance Day Service today. Thanks to Ms. Thwaites for planning the service.

ELA—The students worked on a Remembrance Day mini-unit with our student teacher, Mr. Dickson, this week. Their creative writing assignments are posted on the bulletin board. The new due date for November’s Reader Responses is Dec. 1. Students must complete four responses by that date.

Math--Grade 7s have started Ch. 3 and learned about parallel and perpendicular lines. Grade 8s are working through Ch. 3, The Pythagorean Theorem and finding the length of the unknown side of the triangle.

Social Studies--Students were asked to create a situation with their group, where a country is in need of Canadian help. They had to choose either humanitarian help, peace keeping, or armed forces. The wrote this up and acted it out.

Science—We are working on a final design project for the Earth's Crust.

French—We studied a Remembrance Day poem in French and presented it during the Remembrance Day Ceremony.

Scholastic Book Orders for November have been placed.

Compassion Canada--Please bring your $1 or $10 for the year to chapel on Wednesday.

Shoe Boxes for Samaritan’s Purse—The students have chosen items to include in the shoe boxes we are preparing this year. The items are attached in the Word Document. Items must be at the school no later than Tues. a.m. (Nov. 16). Please also send $1 to help with the shipping costs. Thanks!

Student Led Conferences--This year student led conferences will be a little different. Three students and parents will be scheduled at a time to view portfolios that the student will show their parent. I will circulate the room to answer any questions. If you wish to have an individual meeting, please schedule that at a different time than the conference days.

Dates to Remember:
Nov. 11—No School
Nov. 12—PD, No School
Nov. 15—Admin. Day, No School
Nov. 16--Shops p.m.
Nov. 18--MTYP a.m.
Nov. 19--Report Cards
Nov. 22--Lunch Lady Lunch
Nov. 23—25—Student Led Conferences
Nov. 24--Shops p.m.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me or call the school for immediate contact.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Weekly Update November 5

Good Afternoon!

The students had 4 hours this week devoted to a performance and learning Taiko (Japanese Drumming). They all seemed to enjoy learning this skill. I found it very theraputic.

ELA—Students continued with their anthology book Let Me Tell You. We worked on prepositions as well. The new due date for November’s Reader Responses is Dec. 1. Students must complete four responses by that date. The students will be working on a Remembrance Day mini-unit with our student teacher, Mr. Dickson, this coming week.

Math--Grade 7s have finished their chapter on decimals and had their test today. They will be bringing home for signing on Monday. Grade 8s are working through Ch. 3, The Pythagorean Theorem and estimating square roots.

Social Studies--Students presented their country's economic activity assignment.

Science—We have been and will be studying earthquakes, volcanoes and mountain building.

French—We reviewed some French questions and vocabulary.

Scholastic Book Orders for November have been sent home. They are due on Nov. 10.

Compassion Canada--Please bring your $1 or $10 for the year to chapel on Wednesday.

Shoe Boxes for Samaritan’s Purse—The students have chosen items to include in the shoe boxes we are preparing this year.

Student Led Conferences--This year student led conferences will be a little different. Three students and parents will be scheduled at a time to view portfolios that the student will show their parent. I will circulate the room to answer any questions. If you wish to have an individual meeting, please schedule that at a different time than the conference days.

Dates to Remember:
Nov. 10—Chapel and Remembrance Day Service, Scholastic Book Order Due
Nov. 11—No School
Nov. 12—PD, No School
Nov. 15—Admin. Day, No School
Nov. 16--Shops p.m.
Nov. 19--Report Cards
Nov. 23—25—Student Led Conferences
Nov. 24--Shops p.m.

Weekly Update October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween! What a nice night!! Hope everyone enjoyed it!

ELA--Students completed and presented their Halloween Stories. They had a lesson on Japanese language which will be used this week while learning Taiko (Japanese Drumming). Students will continue with their anthology book Let Me Tell You. Tomorrow, four reader response journal entries are due.

Math--Grade 7s have been working on adding, subtracting and multiplying and dividing decimals. Grade 8s started Ch. 3, The Pythagorean Theorem.

Social Studies--Student's are researching their country's economic activity.

Science—We will finish tectonics this week.

French—We finished our Halloween Study.

Scholastic Book Orders for November have been sent home. They are due on Nov. 10.

Compassion Canada--Please bring your $1 or $10 for the year to chapel on Wednesday.

The students enjoyed seeing the very moving MTYP performance called Jake's Gift. The theme was Remembrance Day and most students were very touched by it. Definitely hit home the reason to remember!!

Student Led Conferences--This year student led conferences will be a little different. Three students and parents will be scheduled at a time to view portfolios that the student will show their parent. I will circulate the room to answer any questions. If you wish to have an individual meeting, please schedule that at a different time than the conference days.

Dates to Remember:
Nov. 1—Fubuki Daiko Performance @ 1:00. All are Welcome!
Nov. 1-5—Fubuki Daiko Workshop for students at various times
Nov. 5—Shops p.m.
Nov. 10—Chapel and Remembrance Day Service, Scholastic Book Order Due
Nov. 11—No School
Nov. 12—PD, No School
Nov. 15—Admin. Day, No School
Nov. 16--Shops p.m.
Nov. 19--Report Cards
Nov. 24--Shops p.m.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Weekly Update October 21, 2010

Sorry for the late update! I thought I’d combine two weeks as I was sick last weekend! I hope to see every one at the Fall Supper on Saturday!

ELA--175 minutes of home reading logged for the week. The students are given 15-20 minutes of reading time per day to log in their Reading Logs if they read in class.
Students have started their anthology book Let Me Tell You. They are working on a Halloween Story that will be presented to the class on Friday.

Math--Grade 7s have been working on adding, subtracting and multiplying decimals. Grade 8s completed Ch. 2 and are bringing home their tests for signing. They are starting Ch. 3, The Pythagorean Theorem on Monday.

Science—We have been working on geological resources and now will move on to plate tectonics. They have a 5 paragraph essay about natural resources due Monday.

Social Studies—The students have been researching a country of their choice and its economic activity along with the country’s environmental concerns.

French—We started our Halloween study doing various grammar and vocabulary activities.

Scholastic Book Orders have been placed.

Compassion Canada--Please bring your $1 or $10 for the year to chapel on Wednesday.

Dates to Remember:
Oct. 22--SAG No Classes
Oct. 23--Fall Supper
Oct. 25—Picture Retakes
Oct. 28—MTYP a.m., Shops p.m.
Oct. 29—Pumpkin Day (no masks, weapons, blood, etc.)
Nov. 1—Fubuki Daiko Performance @ 1:00
Nov. 1-5—Fubuki Daiko Workshop for students at various times
Nov. 5—Shops p.m.
Nov. 10—Chapel and Remembrance Day Service
Nov. 11—No School
Nov. 12—PD, No School
Nov. 15—Admin. Day, No School

Friday, October 8, 2010

Weekly Update Oct. 8

Happy Thanksgiving!

ELA--For Monday, and each Monday of this year, students will need to have completed their 175 minutes of home reading and have it logged for the week. The students are given 15-20 minutes of reading time per day to log in their Reading Logs if they read in class.

Students handed in their All About Me Projects this week and I hope to have them marked over the weekend. They also wrote a Thanksgiving story during the week and all of them are posted outside our classroom on the bulletin board. Next week I will be reviewing Listener Responses and we will be starting a book of Short Stories.

Art—Students completed a Leaf Rubbing Collage with an Acrostic Poem today. They are posted on the wall outside of our classroom for you to view. These will be going to the Fall Supper for decorations.

Math--Grade 7s completed Ch. 1 this week and had a test on Thursday. They will be bringing it home for signing on Tues. Grade 8s started Ch. 2 on ratios and are currently working on unit rates.

Science—We are working on glaciation/erosion. We will begin plate techtonics next week.

Social Studies—The students discussed fossil fuels, ic. Crude oil and how we depend on it. We began talking about our ecological footprint.

French—We continued to work on Fall vocabulary with different Thanksgiving activities.

Scholastic Book Orders are due on Tues., Oct. 12.

Compassion Canada--Please bring your $1 or $10 for the year to chapel on Wednesday.

Dates to Remember:
Oct. 11--Thanksgiving No Classes
Oct. 12--Shops p.m.
Oct. 13--Booster Juice Lunch
Oct. 15—Fall Supper Tickets Due
Oct. 18—Hot Lunch—Lunch Lady
Oct. 20--Shops p.m.
Oct. 22--SAG No Classes
Oct. 23--Fall Supper
Oct. 25—Picture Retakes
Oct. 28--Shops p.m.

If you have any questions. Please don't hesitate to email me or call the school for immediate contact.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Weekly Update September 25

Good Morning!

It looks like we are going to have some summer weather back! Yeah!!!

The Grade 7/8 class is still adjusting to homework expectations in some areas. It is up to the student to write down in their agenda what is due for homework or projects and have them completed on time. In ELA and Math, if homework has not been completed we will still be proceeding in class but students will be staying in at lunch hour until their work is completed.

ELA--For Monday, and each Monday of this year, students will need to have completed their 175 minutes of home reading and have it logged for the week. They will need to have produced a minimum of four Reader Responses by Oct. 1. Book and Movie Reports have been marked and should have been brought home for signing on Thursday. They must be signed for Monday or you will be receiving a phone call home with their mark. We started an All About Me Project with outlines and specific instructions and examples. The project will be due on Fri. Oct. 1.

Religion--Students have their prayer journals assessed on Fridays. The students are supposed to come up with a verse or story that can be converted into modern day life for their Chapel Presentation on Wednesday.

Math--Grade 7s completed Unit 1-2 this week with a quiz. Grade 8s completed Unit 1-2 and most of Unit 1-3 this week. Grade 8s will have a test this coming week with the Grade 7s to follow at the end of the week or early the following week.

Science--Students are completing a crystal formation experiment at home this weekend. It does require use of a stove so please supervise that part. We will explore the rock cycle this week.

Social Studies--Students planned a trip to Zimbabwe, Africa and from Zimbabwe to a destination of their choice and back to Winnipeg. They need to complete the itinerary from their travels for Monday's class.

French--We worked on days of the week and numbers vocabulary. The students created their own calendar for the month of September.

Scholastic Book Orders have been placed and shipped today. We should receive them next week. Thanks for the orders. Unfortunately, we didn't have enough to get bonus coupons for ordering books for the classroom this order.

The students have been asked to bring home their AGENDAS on Fridays and have parents review them and then return them to me on Monday a.m. so I can check for signatures and communication. Students should be bringing home their agendas every day to make sure homework is completed. Mrs. Bemister checks agendas at the end of most days. IT IS UP TO THE STUDENT TO BRING THE AGENDA TO YOU! I am trying to teach them organization and responsibility as they need this for high school.

Compassion Canada--You should have received a letter home last week. Please bring your $1 or $10 for the year to chapel on Wednesday.

Child Find Forms are due on Monday.

Dates to Remember:
Sept. 29--Love and Logic, 7:00 p.m.
Oct. 1--School Pictures, Shops p.m.
Oct. 4--Child Find ID Clinic at the school
Oct. 7--7:00 p.m. PIP Meeting
Oct. 11--Thanksgiving No Classes
Oct. 12--Shops p.m.
Oct. 20--Shops p.m.
Oct. 22--SAG No Classes
Oct. 23--Fall Supper
Oct. 29--Shops p.m.

If you have any questions. Please don't hesitate to email me or call the school for immediate contact.

Have a great weekend!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Weekly Update Sept. 10

Welcome back and congratulations on finishing the first week of school! (Not a full week but a week anyway!)

The Grade 7/8 class have been busy organizing their supplies, binders, and getting used to "new" expectations. I think things have gone very well and look forward to a great year! The students will be able to bring home any extra supplies in about 2 weeks so they have more room in their desks and lockers.

The Grade 7/8s have the privilege of staying in at morning recess with me in the classroom. Most of them do not enjoy going outside and just use the time to socialize. They now can do that inside.

ELA--We have gone over the Home Reading Program and Reader Response Journals and students have started to log their time. I read the students a book and we completed a sample Reader Response. They are expected to read 175 minutes per week and have 15 minutes per day in class to complete reading or responses. We will be starting on Book and Movie Reports next week.

Religion--Students have been given agendas that include a daily scripture and devotion for them to reflect upon and write prayer.

Math--We will be starting Math next week.

Art--We created Name Cards for our lockers.

Science--We have begun o study of the Earth's crust. Next week we will study rock formation and crystal growth.

Social Studies--Played World trivia games and planned a travel route through Europe.

French--We worked on various vocabulary activities.

Scholastic Book Orders are due on Sept. 20. The students have also been asked to bring home their agendas on Fridays and have parents review them and then return them to me on Monday a.m. so I can check for signatures and communication. IT IS UP TO THE STUDENT TO BRING THE AGENDA TO YOU! I am trying to teach them organization and responsibility as they need this for high school.

Hot Lunch Orders are due Monday, Sept. 13.

Students will have their first Shop class at Nelson McIntyre on Wed. Sept. 15. They will need to be picked up there at 3:45. We have gone over expectations of walking directly there.

Dates to Remember
Sept. 13--Hot Lunch Order Forms Due
Sept. 15 p.m.--Shops
Sept. 15 6:30--PIP Meeting followed by Love and Logic
Sept. 19 10:30--Rally Sunday Service at the School
Sept. 20--Book Orders Due
Sept. 23 p.m.--Shops

If you have any questions. Please don't hesitate to email me or call the school for immediate contact.

Have a great weekend!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Weekly Update June 7--18

The count down is on by both students and teachers. Seven more days to go!

If you are going to be away or your student will not be attending any of the last days of school, please let me know. Many of the students have indicated family plans for June 28-30 and will not be in attendance. All reports will go out by mail if students are not present on June 30. All lockers and desks will need to be cleaned out before the student leaves for the year.

PIP BBQ –June 23 5:00 – 7:30
Free supper, beverages etc.
Free Entertainment
Free Activities
Candy Vendor with cotton candy, candy apples and fudge for sale
All families are welcome to attend.

ELA & Religion--The students have now completed their final stories and presented them to the class on Friday. They were all very well done. We completed our sex ed. unit and I will be showing the 15 min. video today. The class will be presenting at chapel on Wed. to share their favorite songs, bible stories and respect for chapel service. Gr. 8 students will also be working on their speeches for grad and Gr. 7s will be working on their farewell presentation for the Gr. 8s.

Math--We have completed all of our curriculum.

Social Studies--Worked on researching a person or organization that works to improve the lives of others in the world.

Science--Students are finishing up the mini-unit on optics.

French--We worked on various vocabulary activities.

Important Dates:
June 22--Shops p.m.--Last Shops Class
June 23--PIP BBQ
June 24--Gr. 8 Grad @ 1:30
June 25--No School Admin. Day
June 28--Sports Day, p.m. only
June 29--Kindergarten Grad--a.m., Awards--p.m.
June 30--Last Day

Friday, May 28, 2010

Weekly Update May 17--28

Good bye May.....Hello June!!!

Thank-you to all of the parents and students who attended Evening of the Arts. Everyone said it was a lovely evening of entertainment and fellowship!

Reminder to Gr. 8 families: You must have your tickets purchased for Celebrations by May 31st.

ELA & Religion--We have finished Tuck Everlasting and the students have started reading new novels. They should complete the reading by the end of next week and finish up their Literature Circle Units by June 8. The students will be ending the year with Religion lessons and Health units. A permission slip will be sent home soon regarding the Sex Education Unit.

Math--The Grade 7s are working on Ch. 11, Solving Equations. The Grade 8s have started Ch. 11 on Probability. Both grades have Ch. 11 and 12 to complete.

Social Studies--Students created murals of the middle ages. They are starting a unit on the Renaissance.

Science--We are finishing up mass, weight, volume and density. We will begin Optics late in the week.

French--We continued our study of food.

Important Dates:
June 2--Lunch Lady Forms Due
June 4--Shops p.m.
June 7--Herb Buss Award Applicaton Due
June 14--Shops p.m.
June 22--Shops p.m.
June 23--PIP BBQ
June 24--Gr. 8 Grad @ 1:30
June 25--No School Admin. Day
June 28--Sports Day, p.m. only
June 29--Kindergarten Grad--a.m., Awards--p.m.
June 30--Last Day

Monday, May 17, 2010

Weekly Update May 17

Good Morning! May is quickly coming to an end. Enjoy your week!

Evening of the Arts will be next Wednesday, May 26 at 6:30. The band, violins, kindergartens and Jump Rope for Heart students will be putting on special presentations. There will also be art work displayed in the school.

The volunteer appreciation lunch is today at 12:00 if you can attend.

ELA & Religion--We are finishing up our Tuck Everlasting Unit. The students are handing in their finalized questions, vocabulary, Literature Circle group information, and final projects on the book today. They will have their reflection test on the book tomorrow.

Math--The Grade 7s are completing Ch. 10 on Patterns with a test Tues. or Wed. The Grade 8s are completing Ch. 10 on Linear Equations hopefully this week.

Social Studies--The students presented information on the middle ages to the class.

Science--We watched Bill Nye about fluids, learned te properties of fluids and the particle theory of matter. Next week we will test viscosity.

French--We continued our study on food.

Important Dates:
May 17--Volunteer Appreciation Lunch 12:00-1:00
May 18--Shops
May 19--Perogies Lunch
May 21--No School--Professional Development Day
May 24--No School--Victoria Day
May 26--Evening of the Arts
May 27--Shops

Monday, May 10, 2010

Weekly Update May 10

Happy Mother's Day! I hope you all enjoyed your coupon books and flowers the students made for you. Most of them thought it was pretty "corny". I thought it was a nice gesture.

Last week an envelope was sent home with your child regarding collecting donations for the Heart and Stroke Foundation as part of Jump Rope for Heart. Your child may like to collect sponsors or you may choose not to participate. Either way the children are welcome to come out to the jump rope practices at noon recess on Wednesdays. This group of children will be performing a jump rope routine at The Evening of the Arts on - Wednesday, May 26. If you have any questions please speak to Miss Paul.

This week a group of young athletes are visiting our school on Friday, May 14, and will be conducting Phys. Ed. Classes for the students.

Our school is hosting a Volunteer Appreciation Lunch for all of the many, many volunteers who help out at our school in so many different ways. The date of this lunch is on Monday, May 17. Hopefully all of you have received an invitation via e-mail or mail. The office would appreciate an RSVP if you are able to attend so that we can plan how many lunches to prepare. If you know of anyone that was overlooked and should receive an invitation, please let the office know. We hope to see all of you there!

ELA & Religion--We finised reading Tuck Everlasting on Friday. The students will be completing their questions, vocabulary, Literature Circle groups, reflection test and final projects on the book this week and early next week. We will be watching the movie later this week or next. I will be sending home a permission slip as it is rated PG.

Math--The Grade 7s are working on Ch. 10 on Patterns. The Grade 8s are being tested on Ch. 9 on Linear Relations today.

Social Studies--The students began a unit on the Middle Ages and are reading and summarizing information.

Science--We've finished looking at the flood and are moving on to water treatment systems.

French--We started our new study on food. On Friday the students made Mother's Day cards.

Important Dates:
May 10--Shops
May 12--Book Orders Due, Hot Lunch Forms Due
May 17--Volunteer Appreciation Lunch 12:00-1:00
May 18--Shops
May 21--No School--Professional Development Day
May 24--No School--Victoria Day
May 26--Evening of the Arts
May 27--Shops

Monday, May 3, 2010

Weekly Update May 3

May is already here. Only two more months of school left!

The students participated in Music Monday today at 12:00 by singing a song composed by Serena Ryder for all Canadian schools to sing. This event occurs the first Monday in May to recognize the importance of music programs across Canada. The students very enthusiastically sang and had a lot of fun learning the song.

ELA & Religion--The students continue to read Tuck Everlasting and are enjoying it. They are working through the book reading orally in class, completing questions, vocabulary and meeting in Literature Circles for discussion. We will be watching the movie once we are done reading. I will be sending home a permission slip as it is rated PG.

Math--The Grade 7s have started Ch. 10 on Patterns. The Grade 8s have started Ch. 9 on Linear Relations.

Social Studies--The students created tests for classmates based on their research from last week.

Science--We've finished looking at the flood and are moving on to water treatment systems.

French--We continued to work on grammar and vocabulary through sentence writing.

Important Dates:
May 10--Shops
May 12--Book Orders Due
May 17--Volunteer Appreciation Lunch 12:00-1:00
May 18--Shops
May 21--No School--Professional Development Day
May 24--No School--Victoria Day
May 26--Evening of the Arts
May 27--Shops

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Weekly Update April 27

Thank you very much to the PIP Committee and all the parent and student volunteers for devoting their time to a successful Spring Tea on Saturday. The event seemed to run very smoothly and everyone enjoyed the food and the vendors. A great job was done by all!!!

Last Thursday, April 22 was Earth Day and all of the students in the school spent some time outside picking up garbage on the school grounds and in the neighbourhood. Thank you to all the students and everyone who are working on protecting our earth.

ELA & Religion--The students are reading Tuck Everlasting and are enjoying it. They are working through the book reading orally in class, completing questions, vocabulary and meeting in Literature Circles for discussion. We will be watching the movie once we are done reading. I will be sending home a permission slip as it is rated PG.

Math--The Grade 7s have completed Adding and Subtracting Integers and will be having a test and completing some projects on this topic. The Grade 8s have completed Ch. 8 on Multiplying and Dividing Integers and will be starting Ch. 9 on Linear Relations. They will be bring home a test to sign today.

Social Studies--The students researched a particular group of people and presented information on that group to the class.

Science--We are finishinhg learning about tides and then moving on to the 1997 Flood.

French--We worked on various vocabulary and grammar through sentence writing.

Important Dates:
April 30--Shops
May 1--Cheesecake Cafe at Beautiful Saviour Lutheran Church
May 17--Volunteer Appreciation Lunch 12:00-1:00
May 21--No School--Professional Development Day

Have a great week!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Weekly Update April 19

What a beautiful weekend! Hope everyone got outside to enjoy the weather!

The PIP Committee is looking for student volunteers to help serve at the Spring Tea on April 24th. Permission forms went home two weeks ago and very few have come back. If you can commit to a time session on Saturday, please send the form back to the school or email me and I'll send another one home to complete. Parent volunteers would be greatly appreciated as well. The sign up sheet is on the PIP bulletin board.

ELA & Religion--The students have started reading Tuck Everlasting and seem to be really enjoying it. They have had one Literature Circle meeting and have completed questions and vocabulary words.

Math--The Grade 7s are completing a short chapter on Adding and Subtracting Integers. They should finish by the end of the week. The Grade 8s are completing Ch. 8 on Multiplying and Dividing Integers with a test this week.

Social Studies--The students began a new unit on Maya, Aztecs and Incas. Students looked up information from text books together./

Science--We are finishinhg learning about tides and then moving on to the 1997 Flood.

French--We worked on various vocabulary and grammar through sentence writing.

Important Dates:

April 19--Book Orders Due
April 20--PIP Meeting @ 7:00--executive required for next year
April 22--Booster Juice Lunch
April 22--Shops
April 23--No School, Professional Development Day
April 24--Spring Tea, 10:30--2:30
April 30--Shops

Have a great week!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Weekly Update April 11

Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. McCrea on the birth of their baby boy. I have no other details yet but will email with the exact information when I have it!!! We thank God for his long awaited arrival and hope all are well!!!

The Team Building Retreat went very well this week and the students all seemed to enjoy it. They especially enjoyed lunch! A big thank you goes out to Mrs. Woo and Mrs. Katyrynuik for preparing, serving, and cleaning up our taco lunch. Another huge thank you goes out to Mrs. Young for doing a fabulous job facilitating the retreat.

The students also enjoying a presentation put on by Crew Ministries on Thursday afternoon this week. They all participated and had fun with the songs and skits.

Show and Save Books were due on Friday. If you have not returned your sample book and/or your order, please do so on Monday so that we can complete this fundraising project as soon as possible.

ELA & Religion--The students have been working on persuasive paragraph writing. We reviewed Literacy Circles and will be starting a class novel, Tuck Everlasting. We visited Mrs. Butterfield's Kindergarten class and read our Children's Bible Stories to them. They all enjoyed having the "big kids" read to them. In Religion we have talked extensively about intellectual and emotional thinking/believing in terms of religion.

Math--The Grade 7s are finishing their chapter on Circles and will have a test on Tuesday. The Grade 8s completed Ch.7 on Volume and wrote a test on Friday. They will be starting Ch. 8 on Integers.

Social Studies--The students worked on an assignment comparing primary and secondary sources of information.

Science--We are working on contour maps, then tides and floods.

French--We worked on various spring and easter vocabulary activities.

Important Dates:
April 14--Shops
April 22--Shops
April 23--No School, Professional Development Day
April 24--Spring Tea
April 30--Shops

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Weekly Update April 3

Happy Easter!

The Team Building Retreat at Beautiful Saviour Lutheran Church has been re-scheduled for April 7. The students will leave after chapel time at the school. Transportation will be arranged. If you would like to pick up your child from the church at the end of the day, please let myself or the school know and that can be arranged. They students will be transported back to the school at the end of the day for dismissal. Attached is the permission slip for the Retreat. Please print it, fill it out and return it with the students on Tuesday or Wednesday morning. Thank-you!

A couple of parents in the grade 7/8 classroom have decided to make a lunch for the students while at the retreat. We are going to serve taco's (same as used for the fundraiser for Haiti). We will provide everything for this lunch which includes beverage and dessert, the cost is $5.00 per person. Money will be collected the morning of the retreat.

Important Dates:
April 5--No School
April 6--Return to School, Shops
April 7--Team Building Retreat @ Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, (Lunch costs $5.00)
April 8--1:00, Tirsah of Crew Ministries Performs at BSLS
April 9--Show and Save Due
April 23--No School, Professional Development Day
April 24--Spring Tea

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Weekly Update March 21

Four more days!!!

Thank you to all of you who were able to attend Parent Teacher interviews last week. I hope that Term three is successful for all of the students!

The Team Building Retreat at Beautiful Saviour Lutheran Church has been re-scheduled for April 7. The students will leave after chapel time at the school. Transportation will be arranged. If you would like to pick up your child from the church at the end of the day, please let myself or the school know and that can be arranged. They students will be transported back to the school at the end of the day for dismissal.

I will be away from school from Mar. 23--25. Mrs. Isaak will be substituting for me in my absence. If you have any concerns during this time please email me or contact Mrs. McCrea.

Mrs. McCrea's last day with us is Thurs. Mar. 25. We wish her good luck on her journey with the arrival of their baby and look forward to her return next April.

ELA & Religion--The students have been working on persuasive paragraph writing. We reviewed Literacy Circles and will be starting a class novel.

Math--The Grade 7s have been working on Ch. 8 about Circles. The Grade 8s have been working on Ch.7 on Volume and will complete it this week with a test when we return from Spring Break.

Social Studies--The students have finished taking notes on Ghana and Mali and filled out a chart on the goods that were traded. We also played a card game linked to trading goods in those locations.

Science--We are doing our stream development experiment and are hoping to work on mapping contours next week.

French--We continued to work on various verb activities.

Important Dates:
March 22--Shops
March 22--25--Ethiopia Week
March 24--Booster Juice Lunch
March 26--Admin. Day No School
April 5--No School
April 6--Return to School
April 7--Team Building Retreat @ Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, (bring your own lunch)

During the week of March 22 – 25, our whole school will be studying the country of Ethiopia. This is the country where our sponsor child, Rehimet, lives. The students will be participating in various activities to learn all about Ethiopia (art, music, food, culture, geography, games, etc...) If you have any books, music, art, artifacts, pictures, or special connections with this country, and are willing to share them, please let us know.

Enjoy your week!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Weekly Update March 15

Good Morning! I hope everyone enjoyed a restful weekend and set their clocks ahead.

Parent Teacher interviews are this week. Please make sure you sign up on the bulletin board outside the office. I will be available on Mar. 16 (Tues.) from 1:00--4:30, on Mar. 17 (Wed.) all day at Beautiful Saviour Luthern Church, and Mar. 18 (Thurs.) from 2:00 until 5:00. If there is a specific time you would like, please email me and I will schedule it in immediately for you.

On March 17 the students will be attending a Team Building Retreat at Beautiful Saviour Lutheran Church. The students will leave after chapel time at the school. Transportation will be provided. They are to bring a bag lunch with them as they will not be leaving the church to get food. If you would like to pick up your child from the church at the end of the day, please let myself or the school know and that can be arranged. They students will be transported back to the school at the end of the day for dismissal.

ELA & Religion--The students have been working on persuasive paragraph writing and completed presentations and peer evaluations. We will be reviewing Literacy Circles and starting a class novel.

Math--The Grade 7s finished Chapter 7 on Fractions and will be bringing home their tests for signing tonight. They will start Ch. 8 on Circles today. The Grade 8s finished Chapter 6 on Fractions and should have gotten their tests signed over the weekend. They started Ch.7 last week on Volume and will be moving through this chapter quite quickly.

Social Studies--The students have been looking at the Islamic religion and modern day Ghana and Mali

Science--Stream development has been started this week and will be continued next week, followed by drawing topographic profiles.

French--We workd on verbs this week.

Important Dates:

March 16, 17, 18--Parent Teacher Conferences
March 17--Team Building Retreat @ Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, (bring your own lunch)
March 18--Booster Juice Orders Due
March 19 Sobey's Gift Card orders due, Soup Day
March 22--Shops
March 22--25--Ethiopia Week
March 24--Booster Juice Lunch
March 26--Admin. Day No School
April 5--No School
April 6--Return to School

During the week of March 22 – 25, our whole school will be studying the country of Ethiopia. This is the country where our sponsor child, Rehimet, lives. The students will be participating in various activities to learn all about Ethiopia (art, music, food, culture, geography, games, etc...) If you have any books, music, art, artifacts, pictures, or special connections with this country, and are willing to share them, please let us know.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Weekly Update March 8

Good Morning! I hope everyone enjoyed a restful long weekend.

Parent Teacher interviews are fast approaching. Please make sure you sign up on the bulletin board outside the office. I will be available on Mar. 16 (Tues.) from 1:00--4:30, on Mar. 17 (Wed.) all day at Beautiful Saviour Luthern Church, and Mar. 18 (Thurs.) from 2:00 until 5:00. If there is a specific time you would like, please email me and I will schedule it in immediately for you.

On March 17 the students will be attending a Team Building Retreat at Beautiful Saviour Lutheran Church. The students will leave after chapel time at the school. Transportation will be provided. They are to bring a bag lunch with them as they will not be leaving the church to get food. If you would like to pick up your child from the church at the end of the day, please let myself or the school know and that can be arranged. They students will be transported back to the school at the end of the day for dismissal.

ELA & Religion--The students completed their Olympics Unit this week. We will be reviewing Literacy Circles and starting a class novel.

Math--The Grade 7s are finishing Chapter 7 with a test on Tuesday or Wednesday. The Grade 8s will finish Chapter 6 and have a test on Tuesday or Wednesday also.

Social Studies--The students have been taking notes on Ghana and Mali. The have completed their Game Show.

Science--We have worked on the water cycle and will be exploring stream development next week.

French--We workd on various activities with a poem about the month of March.

Important Dates
March 10--Report Cards
March 11--PIP Meeting @ 7:00
March 12--NO SHOPS
March 16, 17, 18--Parent Teacher Conferences
March 17--Team Building Retreat @ Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, (bring your own lunch)
March 19 Sobey's Gift Card orders due
March 22--25--Ethiopia Week
March 26--Admin. Day No School
April 5--No School
April 6--Return to School

The students should have brought home a pink letter explaining the “My Hands are Helping” project. Each student is encouraged to help someone else, either at home or at school, without being asked and with no expectation of being rewarded or paid back for their kind deed. Please fill in the small form explaining what the student did and then send it back to school. They will be posted on the bulletin board in the front hall.

During the week of March 22 – 25, our whole school will be studying the country of Ethiopia. This is the country where our sponsor child, Rehimet, lives. The students will be participating in various activities to learn all about Ethiopia (art, music, food, culture, geography, games, etc...) If you have any books, music, art, artifacts, pictures, or special connections with this country, and are willing to share them, please let us know.

Enjoy your week!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Weekly Update March 1

Congratulations to all of the skiers! Sounds like everyone had a great time and should now be recovered from the trip. Thanks to Ms. Paul and our chaperones for looking after the students so well.

On Thursday the class went to see The Rick Hansen Story at MTYP. Although their audio and lights weren't working, the play was very good and the students enjoyed it. This was the last of our MTYP plays for the year. Thanks to all of those people who have driven for us this year.

Thank you to the parents who volunteered to make Family Literacy Night on Friday such a success. I got to be a parent and really enjoyed the activities.

ELA & Religion--The students will be completing their Olympics Unit this week. In Religion the students should have handed in their Children's Bible Stories. They will be sharing them with the younger grades and during chapel.

Math--The Grade 7s are working on Chapter 7 with a possible test on Thursday. The Grade 8s will finish Chapter 6 and have a test on Wednesday or Thursday.

March 3--Pizza Lunch
March 4--Book Order Due
March 5--Admin. Day
March 10--Report Cards, Team Building Retreat @ Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, (bring your own lunch)
March 16, 17, 18--Parent Teacher Conferences
March 19 Sobey's Gift Card orders due
March 22--25--Ethiopia Week
March 26--Admin. Day No School
April 5--No School
April 6--Return to School

The students should have brought home a pink letter explaining the “My Hands are Helping” project. Each student is encouraged to help someone else, either at home or at school, without being asked and with no expectation of being rewarded or paid back for their kind deed. Please fill in the small form explaining what the student did and then send it back to school. They will be posted on the bulletin board in the front hall.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Weekly Update Feb. 22

Good Morning!

Good luck to the ski group! Have lots of fun and enjoy the snow!

ELA & Religion--The students have been working on an Olympics Unit studying athletes, characteristics and qualities, olympic history, etc. In Religion the students are working on their Children's Bible Stories. They are due, Feb. 26 when they return.

Math--The Grade 7s finished Chapter 6 and had a test on Fri. They will continue with fractions in Chapter 7. The Grade 8s will finish Chapter 6 this week and have a test early next week.

Social Studies—-Students created their own questions for the game show we played in class.

Science—-We have completed work on ocean currents and nxt week we will do an experiment to test the density of fresh water versus salt water.

French—-We finished our study on Fesitval du Voyageur. We had a great time on our field trip to the Festival.

We have a lot of busy days coming up! Please see the list below to keep you up to date with what is going on including spirit days for I Love to Read Week!

Feb. 22-24--Ski Trip
Feb. 24--Open House @ BSLS 6:00-8:00
Feb. 25--MTYP @ 9:45--permission slips were due on Friday
Feb. 22-26--I love to read week!!!
Monday—-Wacky Word Day
Tuesday—-Olympic Sports Day (jerseys, Canada clothing, & bring a headline from the Olympics)
Wednesday—-Pyjama Day & Buddy Reading Day
Thursday—-Riddle Day—-bring in a riddle to be shared
Friday—-Favourite Storybook Character Day
Feb. 26--Literacy Night @ 6:30, Usborne Books & The Light Christian Store will be here with books to sell!
March 5--Admin. Day
March 10--Report Cards, Team Building Retreat @ Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, (bring your own lunch)
March 16, 17, 18--Parent Teacher Conferences
March 19 Sobey's Gift Card orders due


Over the last few weeks our school has been raising money for Haiti’s earthquake victims. Altogether with our various projects (Hats for Haiti, Taco Day Lunch, Bake Sale, private donations, a matching grant from Faith Life and a matching grant from the Federal Government) our school has raised $3000 to send to Haiti.

The students should have brought home a pink letter explaining the “My Hands are Helping” project. Each student is encouraged to help someone else, either at home or at school, without being asked and with no expectation of being rewarded or paid back for their kind deed. Please fill in the small form explaining what the student did and then sending it back to school. They will be posted on the bulletin board in the front hall.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Weekly Update Feb. 15

Happy Louis Riel Day!

Thank you very much to Kristen, Kendra and Ermiyas for planning the Hot Lunch for Haiti last week. Everyone totally enjoyed it and it was a great success! Thanks also to the parents and grandparents that helped! They are already thinking of doing another hot lunch for a different cause.

We have a lot of busy days coming up! Please see the list below to keep you up to date with what is going on including spirit days for I Love to Read Week!

Feb. 16--Shops in the p.m., Internet Safety Presentation for Parents @ 7:00
Feb. 17--Festival du Voyageur 9:00-3:00, Open House @ BSLS 6:00-8:00
Feb. 22-24--Ski Trip
Feb. 24--Open House @ BSLS 6:00-8:00
Feb. 25--MTYP @ 9:45
Feb. 22-26--I love to read week!!!
Monday—-Wacky Word Day
Tuesday—-Olympic Sports Day (jerseys, Canada clothing, & bring a headline from the Olympics)
Wednesday—-Pyjama Day & Buddy Reading Day
Thursday—-Riddle Day—-bring in a riddle to be shared
Friday—-Favourite Storybook Character Day
Feb. 26--Literacy Night @ 6:30, Usborne Books & The Light Christian Store will be here with books to sell!
March 5--Admin. Day
March 10--Report Cards
March 16, 17, 18--Parent Teacher Conferences
March 19 Sobey's Gift Card orders due

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Weekly Update Feb. 9

Good Afternoon!

ELA & Religion--We have been working on some adverb/adjective worksheets and stories. Because of the field trips and activities during February, I decided to wait to start our novel study until Mar. 1. The students will be completing an Olympics Unit studying athletes, characteristics and qualities, olympic history, etc. In Religion the students are working on their Children's Bible Stories.
Math--Both grades have been working on Ch. 6, Fractions.
Social Studies—-Students are writing a test today on Ancient Greece and beginning a new unit.
Science—-We have worked on heat capacity of matter and ocean currents with note-taking.
French—-We began our Fesitval du Voyageur study.

Students should have brought home their provincial assessment documents yesterday. Please let me know if you haven't seen them or have any questions.

Feb. 10--Chapel, Bake Sale for Haiti
Feb. 11--Gluten Free Hot Lunch, Internet Safety Presentation 2:15-3:15 for students
Feb. 12--Booster Juice Forms Due, Permission Forms Due for Festival du Voyageur
Feb. 15--No School, Louis Riel Day
Feb. 16--Shops in the p.m., Internet Safety Presentation for Parents @ 7:00
Feb. 17--Festival du Voyageur, Open House @ BSLS 6:00-8:00
Feb. 22-24--Ski Trip
Feb. 24--Open House @ BSLS 6:00-8:00
Feb. 25--MTYP @ 9:45
Feb. 22-26--I love to read week!!!
Feb. 26--Literacy Night @ 6:30

Update--Feb. 2

Good Afternoon! Whether the ground hog saw his shadow or not, we have at least six more weeks of winter to look forward to. Hopefully it will be mild.

ELA & Religion--The students have finished their Short Stories unit and you should have signed their test for them yesterday. We are working on some adverb/adjective worksheets and stories. We will start our novel studies soon with Tuck Everlasting. In Religion the students are working on their Children's Bible Stories. Their story maps are due tomorrow.
Math--Both grades have completed Ch. 5 and you should have signed their tests yesterday. Both Grades start Ch. 6 on Fractions.
Social Studies—-Students are taking notes on Ancient Greece.
Science—-We've been learning how to take notes using heat capacity and water sources. We may do an experiment this week.
French—-We continued working on our study of winter sports and the Olympics.

Feb. 3--Internet Safety Presentation for students 11:00-12:00, Parents at 7:00, Book Orders Due
Feb. 5--Hats for Haiti (Students bring $2 and can wear a hat. They are encouraged to create a hat to wear.), Shops in the p.m., Gluten Free Lunch Forms Due
Feb. 10--Chapel
Feb. 11--Gluten Free Hot Lunch
Feb. 15--No School, Louis Riel Day
Feb. 16--Shops in the p.m.
Feb. 17--Festival du Voyageur, Open House @ BSLS
Feb. 22-24--Ski Trip
Feb. 24--Open House @ BSLS
Feb. 25--MTYP @ 9:45
Feb. 22-26--I love to read week!!!
Feb. 26--Literacy Night @ 6:30

Weekly Update Jan. 11--15

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.

ELA & Religion--The students continued to work on Short Stories with the theme of Courage. We will be having a test this week, likely Wednesday. In Religion we talked about scientific beliefs and the Word of God.
Math--Students are working on Ch. 5: Gr. 7--Probability, Gr. 8--3-D Surface Area. The grade 8 class should complete the chapter this week with a test on Monday of next week.
Social Studies—-We created a commercial for a product the students created in class based on a Greek God.
Science—-We looked at fluid movement in animals. We will work on unit review/unit test this week.
French—-We continued working on our study of winter sports and the Olympics.

Letters went home this week for our new stewardship project. We will be collecting school supplies for CLWR. Please send any of the items on the list to the school and the students will package them accordingly.

Field trip permission slips will go home today for the trip on Thursday. Could you please let me know via email as soon as possible if you are able to drive? We have a bit of a tight scheduling problem to make it to both events if we are walking and or busing. Also, the students may need to eat their lunch in the vehicle dependent on the length of the MTYP show. Please send a bag lunch with students on Thursday.

Jan. 18--Booster Juice Lunch
Jan. 20--Shops
Jan. 21--MTYP @ 10:00, Mr. T. playing guitar at 12:00 near the Millenium Library
Jan. 22--No School--PD Day

Weekly Update Jan. 4--8

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.

ELA & Religion--The students continue to work on Short Stories with the theme of Courage. We should finish this week and begin literary circles next week.
Math--Students have begun Ch. 5. Gr. 7--Probability, Gr. 8--3-D Surface Area.
Social Studies—-We are looking at Greek Gods in advertising and making our own products, with logos and slogans.
Science—-We discussed fluid movement in plants, then worked on movement in animals.
French—-We started our new study on winter sports and the Olympics.

Thank-you to Constable Anning for visiting the school and giving an informative presentation. The students seemed to enjoy his visit.

Letters went home this week for our new stewardship project. We will be collecting school supplies for CLWR. Please send any of the items on the list to the school and the students will package them accordingly.

Jan. 11--Book Orders Due
Jan. 12--Shops
Jan. 20--Shops
Jan. 21--MTYP @ 10:00
Jan. 22--No School--PD Day

Weekly Update Dec. 7--11

Good Morning!

I hope everyone is enjoying their "cold" weekend. One week and the students are on Christmas break! I look forward to seeing you at the Christmas Concert on Wednesday evening.

ELA & Religion--The students continue to work on Short Stories with the theme of Courage. They have been talking about many different courageous people and should be completing their own "courageous" short stories by Thursday. We are also working on a Chapel Presentation.
Math--Grade 7s and 8s are finishing their chapters on Fractions, Decimals and Percents and will have a test by Thursday this week.
Social Studies--Students compared Roman and Greek gods and goddesses. We discussed boys and girls lives in ancient Sparta and how their lives are different than ours.
Science--Students are finishing our research on diseases and will look at specific organ systems if we have classes next week.
French--Students are working on various French Christmas activities in our Christmas Booklets.

The band had a fabulous performance on Monday at the Forks. I am really looking forward to hearing them play on Wednesday.

Thank-you to Mrs. Woo for helping with driving the students to MTYP on Thursday. The students were all glad to have a ride as it was very cold.

The students have all signed up for one or two items for our Christmas Hamper. Please ensure that these items are at school by Tuesday, Dec. 15 so that we can assemble our hamper and have it ready for delivery on Wed. Dec. 16. Also, please send $2 with your child if you haven't done so already to help pay for the turkey and other "fresh" items that need to be purchased for the hamper.

Wednesday, Dec. 16 is the school Christmas Concert at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church at 1541 St. Mary's Rd. The concert begins at 6:30 but the students are asked to be there for 6:00 to get organized. They should dress in their Christmas "best". Parents are also asked to donate one dozen "goodies" for after the concert. Please let Mrs. Madden know if you are able to bring some goodies.

During this week there will be many opportunites for students and their families to help with the major production of Christmas Hampers happening in the gym. On Monday, Dec. 14 students who are in grade 7/8 and are interested in helping to wrap approximately 500 presents, please sign up in the office. The evening will begin at 6:30 and will be at the school. Parents are encouraged to accompany their children for the evening. On Wed. and Thurs. the students will be scheduled to help out in the gym to assemble the hampers.

Compassion Canada: We are collecting the $1/family/month for Compassion Canada as indicated in the letter sent home a few weeks ago. The money can be left at the office or put into the jar on the alter in the chapel area.

Dec. 16--Chapel & Presentations, Christmas Concert @ 6:30
Dec. 18--Booster Juice Lunch, Christmas Caroling in the Chapel Area at 1:00, Last day before Christmas Break
Jan. 4--Classes Resume, Shops

Weekly Update Nov. 30--Dec. 4

Good Afternoon!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! The white fluffy stuff is falling. Hopefully it doesn't turn too cold soon.

ELA & Religion--The students have been working on Short Stories with the theme of Courage. They have been talking about many different courageous people and have started writing their own "courageous" short story.
Math--Grade 8s are continuing to work on Fractions, Decimals and Percents. Grade 7s are continuing to work on Fractions, Decimals and Percents.
Social Studies--Students have been watching the "Ulysses" based on the epic "The Odyssey"
Science--Students have been working on cell specialization and then cell division.
French--Students began our study on Christmas, working on vocabulary activities.

Compassion Canada: We are collecting the $1/family/month for Compassion Canada as indicated in the letter sent home a few weeks ago. The money can be left at the office or put into the jar on the alter in the chapel area.

Dec. 7--Forks Market Performance (Students wear red, green or white shirts.)
Dec. 10--MTYP @ 9:45
Dec. 11--Shops
Dec. 16--Christmas Concert @ 6:30
Dec. 18--last day before Christmas Break
Jan. 4--Classes Resume

We will be starting our Christmas Hamper sign up next week. All items will be required by Dec. 16 with delivery between the 16th and the 18th. We have not received our family yet. If anyone is interested in delivering the hamper, please let myself or your child know so that they can sign up for this on the Hamper sign-up list.

Weekly Update Nov. 23--27

Good Afternoon!

I enjoyed seeing all of you at the conferences this week. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any concerns at any time.

ELA & Religion--The students have started a Unit on Short Stories with the theme of Courage. We will be talking about many different courageous people and working with this theme in various ways.
Math--Grade 8s wrote a test this week on Ch. 3 and we have begun Ch. 4 on Fractions, Decimals and Percents. Grade 7s finished Chapter 3 and will write their test on Monday. They just began their new chapter on Fractions, Decimals and Percents.
Science--Students have been working on cell specialization and then cell division.
French--Students worked on french verbs. They wrote a test on Friday on this verb study.

Compassion Canada: We are collecting the $1/family/month for Compassion Canada as indicated in the letter sent home a few weeks ago. The money can be left at the office or put into the jar on the alter in the chapel area.

Dec. 2--Pizza Lunch
Dec. 3--Shops
Dec. 7--Forks Market Performance (Permission Forms went home today!)
Dec. 10--MTYP

Because of the situation this week of articles going missing, students are now not allowed to leave the classroom during class time and are supervised in the hallways at recess and lunch. This will continue until someone comes forward and we can again regain the trust of all our students.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself or Mrs. McCrea in regards to this matter.

Have a great, Grey Cup Weekend!