What a beautiful weekend! Hope everyone got outside to enjoy the weather!
The PIP Committee is looking for student volunteers to help serve at the Spring Tea on April 24th. Permission forms went home two weeks ago and very few have come back. If you can commit to a time session on Saturday, please send the form back to the school or email me and I'll send another one home to complete. Parent volunteers would be greatly appreciated as well. The sign up sheet is on the PIP bulletin board.
ELA & Religion--The students have started reading Tuck Everlasting and seem to be really enjoying it. They have had one Literature Circle meeting and have completed questions and vocabulary words.
Math--The Grade 7s are completing a short chapter on Adding and Subtracting Integers. They should finish by the end of the week. The Grade 8s are completing Ch. 8 on Multiplying and Dividing Integers with a test this week.
Social Studies--The students began a new unit on Maya, Aztecs and Incas. Students looked up information from text books together./
Science--We are finishinhg learning about tides and then moving on to the 1997 Flood.
French--We worked on various vocabulary and grammar through sentence writing.
Important Dates:
April 19--Book Orders Due
April 20--PIP Meeting @ 7:00--executive required for next year
April 22--Booster Juice Lunch
April 22--Shops
April 23--No School, Professional Development Day
April 24--Spring Tea, 10:30--2:30
April 30--Shops
Have a great week!