You will be receiving information regarding the ski trip shortly. Our tentative date, which will be confirmed next week will be Jan. 21. Costs and deadlines will be included.
ELA—The students are continuing their work on a Short Stories Anthology. Their Creative Writing project rough draft is due on Tuesday and will be completed by the end of the week. Three Reader Responses for December are due Dec. 21. We have been talking about Social, Moral Issues as well as Personal Image in ELA. The student’s watched Happy Feet on this theme and will be answering questions on the movie.
Math--Grade 7 have completed Ch. 3 and have started Ch. 4 on Percents, Decimals and Fractions. Grade 8s are working on the last unit in Ch. 4 on Fractions, Decimals and Percents.
Social Studies--Students discussed and looked at characteristics of the most powerful countries in the world and the least powerful countries.
Science—We have discussed succession through a hypothetical example of succession and we have now been using an article on succession in the Mt. St. Helen’s area. We will begin sustainable development on Monday.
French—We started our Christmas activities in French class.
Dates to Remember:
Dec. 6—Lunch Lady Forms Due
Dec. 10--Shops p.m.
Dec. 16--Christmas Concert at the Church, 6:30
Dec. 17--Violin and Band Play at the Forks in the a.m.
Dec. 20--Shops p.m.
Dec. 21—Three Reader Responses Due
Dec. 22--Last Day of School
Jan. 6—First Day Back to School, MTYP a.m.