Good Afternoon!
The school attended a very moving Remembrance Day Service today. Thanks to Ms. Thwaites for planning the service.
ELA—The students worked on a Remembrance Day mini-unit with our student teacher, Mr. Dickson, this week. Their creative writing assignments are posted on the bulletin board. The new due date for November’s Reader Responses is Dec. 1. Students must complete four responses by that date.
Math--Grade 7s have started Ch. 3 and learned about parallel and perpendicular lines. Grade 8s are working through Ch. 3, The Pythagorean Theorem and finding the length of the unknown side of the triangle.
Social Studies--Students were asked to create a situation with their group, where a country is in need of Canadian help. They had to choose either humanitarian help, peace keeping, or armed forces. The wrote this up and acted it out.
Science—We are working on a final design project for the Earth's Crust.
French—We studied a Remembrance Day poem in French and presented it during the Remembrance Day Ceremony.
Scholastic Book Orders for November have been placed.
Compassion Canada--Please bring your $1 or $10 for the year to chapel on Wednesday.
Shoe Boxes for Samaritan’s Purse—The students have chosen items to include in the shoe boxes we are preparing this year. The items are attached in the Word Document. Items must be at the school no later than Tues. a.m. (Nov. 16). Please also send $1 to help with the shipping costs. Thanks!
Student Led Conferences--This year student led conferences will be a little different. Three students and parents will be scheduled at a time to view portfolios that the student will show their parent. I will circulate the room to answer any questions. If you wish to have an individual meeting, please schedule that at a different time than the conference days.
Dates to Remember:
Nov. 11—No School
Nov. 12—PD, No School
Nov. 15—Admin. Day, No School
Nov. 16--Shops p.m.
Nov. 18--MTYP a.m.
Nov. 19--Report Cards
Nov. 22--Lunch Lady Lunch
Nov. 23—25—Student Led Conferences
Nov. 24--Shops p.m.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me or call the school for immediate contact.