Monday, November 22, 2010

Weekly Update November 22

Good Morning!

It seems as though winter has come upon us suddenly. Please make sure that your student has warm clothes for recess. The play, Jason and the Argonauts, that we saw at MTYP was quite good. Most of the students thought it was funny.

Please make sure to sign up for Student Led Conferences this week on Wednesday and Thursday. There are four spots available for each time slot on each night. Mr. Tyborowski will also be available for meetings on Wednesday from 3:30-5:15.

Mr. Dickson has returned back to Brandon University. We thank him for all of his extra help and wish him good luck with his future education and experience.

This Wednesday we will be presenting in Chapel.

ELA—The students are once again working on a Short Stories Anthology, Let Me Tell You. We hope to finish the book by Christmas and will start a class novel in the new year. The new due date for November’s Reader Responses is Dec. 1. Students must complete four responses by that date.

Math--Grade 7s are working on Ch. 3 and learned about parallel and perpendicular lines, acute, right and obtuse angles and area of the parallelogram. Grade 8s have completed Ch. 3, The Pythagorean Theorem, and were tested on Friday. Tests will come home today for signing.

Social Studies--Students discussed First and Third World Countries, their locations, political systems and other characteristics of the countries.

Science—We have begun our unit on Interactions with Ecosystems by examining what the characteristics are for ecosystems. They have a large final project DUE NOV. 26th!

French—We started our study on verbs in French class.

Scholastic Book Orders for December are due on November 29.

Compassion Canada--Please bring your $1 or $10 for the year to chapel on Wednesday.

Shoe Boxes for Samaritan’s Purse—Thank you to everyone for the donations. The boxes were picked up by the paramedics while we were at MTYP on Thursday.

Student Led Conferences--This year student led conferences will be a little different. Four students and parents will be scheduled at a time to view portfolios that the student will show their parent. I will circulate the room to answer any questions. If you wish to have an individual meeting, please schedule that at a different time than the conference days.

Dates to Remember:
Nov. 22--Lunch Lady Lunch
Nov. 23—25—Student Led Conferences
Nov. 24--Shops p.m.
Nov. 25--Sobey's Gift Card Orders Due
Nov. 26--Perogy Orders Due
Dec. 2--Shops p.m.
Dec. 10--Shops p.m.
Dec. 16--Christmas Concert at the Church
Dec. 17--Violin and Band Play at the Forks in the a.m.
Dec. 20--Shops p.m.
Dec. 22--Last Day of School

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me or call the school for immediate contact.