Good Morning!
It looks like we are going to have some summer weather back! Yeah!!!
The Grade 7/8 class is still adjusting to homework expectations in some areas. It is up to the student to write down in their agenda what is due for homework or projects and have them completed on time. In ELA and Math, if homework has not been completed we will still be proceeding in class but students will be staying in at lunch hour until their work is completed.
ELA--For Monday, and each Monday of this year, students will need to have completed their 175 minutes of home reading and have it logged for the week. They will need to have produced a minimum of four Reader Responses by Oct. 1. Book and Movie Reports have been marked and should have been brought home for signing on Thursday. They must be signed for Monday or you will be receiving a phone call home with their mark. We started an All About Me Project with outlines and specific instructions and examples. The project will be due on Fri. Oct. 1.
Religion--Students have their prayer journals assessed on Fridays. The students are supposed to come up with a verse or story that can be converted into modern day life for their Chapel Presentation on Wednesday.
Math--Grade 7s completed Unit 1-2 this week with a quiz. Grade 8s completed Unit 1-2 and most of Unit 1-3 this week. Grade 8s will have a test this coming week with the Grade 7s to follow at the end of the week or early the following week.
Science--Students are completing a crystal formation experiment at home this weekend. It does require use of a stove so please supervise that part. We will explore the rock cycle this week.
Social Studies--Students planned a trip to Zimbabwe, Africa and from Zimbabwe to a destination of their choice and back to Winnipeg. They need to complete the itinerary from their travels for Monday's class.
French--We worked on days of the week and numbers vocabulary. The students created their own calendar for the month of September.
Scholastic Book Orders have been placed and shipped today. We should receive them next week. Thanks for the orders. Unfortunately, we didn't have enough to get bonus coupons for ordering books for the classroom this order.
The students have been asked to bring home their AGENDAS on Fridays and have parents review them and then return them to me on Monday a.m. so I can check for signatures and communication. Students should be bringing home their agendas every day to make sure homework is completed. Mrs. Bemister checks agendas at the end of most days. IT IS UP TO THE STUDENT TO BRING THE AGENDA TO YOU! I am trying to teach them organization and responsibility as they need this for high school.
Compassion Canada--You should have received a letter home last week. Please bring your $1 or $10 for the year to chapel on Wednesday.
Child Find Forms are due on Monday.
Dates to Remember:
Sept. 29--Love and Logic, 7:00 p.m.
Oct. 1--School Pictures, Shops p.m.
Oct. 4--Child Find ID Clinic at the school
Oct. 7--7:00 p.m. PIP Meeting
Oct. 11--Thanksgiving No Classes
Oct. 12--Shops p.m.
Oct. 20--Shops p.m.
Oct. 22--SAG No Classes
Oct. 23--Fall Supper
Oct. 29--Shops p.m.
If you have any questions. Please don't hesitate to email me or call the school for immediate contact.
Have a great weekend!