Good Morning!
Good luck to the ski group! Have lots of fun and enjoy the snow!
ELA & Religion--The students have been working on an Olympics Unit studying athletes, characteristics and qualities, olympic history, etc. In Religion the students are working on their Children's Bible Stories. They are due, Feb. 26 when they return.
Math--The Grade 7s finished Chapter 6 and had a test on Fri. They will continue with fractions in Chapter 7. The Grade 8s will finish Chapter 6 this week and have a test early next week.
Social Studies—-Students created their own questions for the game show we played in class.
Science—-We have completed work on ocean currents and nxt week we will do an experiment to test the density of fresh water versus salt water.
French—-We finished our study on Fesitval du Voyageur. We had a great time on our field trip to the Festival.
We have a lot of busy days coming up! Please see the list below to keep you up to date with what is going on including spirit days for I Love to Read Week!
Feb. 22-24--Ski Trip
Feb. 24--Open House @ BSLS 6:00-8:00
Feb. 25--MTYP @ 9:45--permission slips were due on Friday
Feb. 22-26--I love to read week!!!
Monday—-Wacky Word Day
Tuesday—-Olympic Sports Day (jerseys, Canada clothing, & bring a headline from the Olympics)
Wednesday—-Pyjama Day & Buddy Reading Day
Thursday—-Riddle Day—-bring in a riddle to be shared
Friday—-Favourite Storybook Character Day
Feb. 26--Literacy Night @ 6:30, Usborne Books & The Light Christian Store will be here with books to sell!
March 5--Admin. Day
March 10--Report Cards, Team Building Retreat @ Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, (bring your own lunch)
March 16, 17, 18--Parent Teacher Conferences
March 19 Sobey's Gift Card orders due
Over the last few weeks our school has been raising money for Haiti’s earthquake victims. Altogether with our various projects (Hats for Haiti, Taco Day Lunch, Bake Sale, private donations, a matching grant from Faith Life and a matching grant from the Federal Government) our school has raised $3000 to send to Haiti.
The students should have brought home a pink letter explaining the “My Hands are Helping” project. Each student is encouraged to help someone else, either at home or at school, without being asked and with no expectation of being rewarded or paid back for their kind deed. Please fill in the small form explaining what the student did and then sending it back to school. They will be posted on the bulletin board in the front hall.