I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.
ELA & Religion--The students continue to work on Short Stories with the theme of Courage. We should finish this week and begin literary circles next week.
Math--Students have begun Ch. 5. Gr. 7--Probability, Gr. 8--3-D Surface Area.
Social Studies—-We are looking at Greek Gods in advertising and making our own products, with logos and slogans.
Science—-We discussed fluid movement in plants, then worked on movement in animals.
French—-We started our new study on winter sports and the Olympics.
Thank-you to Constable Anning for visiting the school and giving an informative presentation. The students seemed to enjoy his visit.
Letters went home this week for our new stewardship project. We will be collecting school supplies for CLWR. Please send any of the items on the list to the school and the students will package them accordingly.
Jan. 11--Book Orders Due
Jan. 12--Shops
Jan. 20--Shops
Jan. 21--MTYP @ 10:00
Jan. 22--No School--PD Day