Good Afternoon! Whether the ground hog saw his shadow or not, we have at least six more weeks of winter to look forward to. Hopefully it will be mild.
ELA & Religion--The students have finished their Short Stories unit and you should have signed their test for them yesterday. We are working on some adverb/adjective worksheets and stories. We will start our novel studies soon with Tuck Everlasting. In Religion the students are working on their Children's Bible Stories. Their story maps are due tomorrow.
Math--Both grades have completed Ch. 5 and you should have signed their tests yesterday. Both Grades start Ch. 6 on Fractions.
Social Studies—-Students are taking notes on Ancient Greece.
Science—-We've been learning how to take notes using heat capacity and water sources. We may do an experiment this week.
French—-We continued working on our study of winter sports and the Olympics.
Feb. 3--Internet Safety Presentation for students 11:00-12:00, Parents at 7:00, Book Orders Due
Feb. 5--Hats for Haiti (Students bring $2 and can wear a hat. They are encouraged to create a hat to wear.), Shops in the p.m., Gluten Free Lunch Forms Due
Feb. 10--Chapel
Feb. 11--Gluten Free Hot Lunch
Feb. 15--No School, Louis Riel Day
Feb. 16--Shops in the p.m.
Feb. 17--Festival du Voyageur, Open House @ BSLS
Feb. 22-24--Ski Trip
Feb. 24--Open House @ BSLS
Feb. 25--MTYP @ 9:45
Feb. 22-26--I love to read week!!!
Feb. 26--Literacy Night @ 6:30