Good Afternoon!
I enjoyed seeing all of you at the conferences this week. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any concerns at any time.
ELA & Religion--The students have started a Unit on Short Stories with the theme of Courage. We will be talking about many different courageous people and working with this theme in various ways.
Math--Grade 8s wrote a test this week on Ch. 3 and we have begun Ch. 4 on Fractions, Decimals and Percents. Grade 7s finished Chapter 3 and will write their test on Monday. They just began their new chapter on Fractions, Decimals and Percents.
Science--Students have been working on cell specialization and then cell division.
French--Students worked on french verbs. They wrote a test on Friday on this verb study.
Compassion Canada: We are collecting the $1/family/month for Compassion Canada as indicated in the letter sent home a few weeks ago. The money can be left at the office or put into the jar on the alter in the chapel area.
Dec. 2--Pizza Lunch
Dec. 3--Shops
Dec. 7--Forks Market Performance (Permission Forms went home today!)
Dec. 10--MTYP
Because of the situation this week of articles going missing, students are now not allowed to leave the classroom during class time and are supervised in the hallways at recess and lunch. This will continue until someone comes forward and we can again regain the trust of all our students.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself or Mrs. McCrea in regards to this matter.
Have a great, Grey Cup Weekend!