Four more days!!!
Thank you to all of you who were able to attend Parent Teacher interviews last week. I hope that Term three is successful for all of the students!
The Team Building Retreat at Beautiful Saviour Lutheran Church has been re-scheduled for April 7. The students will leave after chapel time at the school. Transportation will be arranged. If you would like to pick up your child from the church at the end of the day, please let myself or the school know and that can be arranged. They students will be transported back to the school at the end of the day for dismissal.
I will be away from school from Mar. 23--25. Mrs. Isaak will be substituting for me in my absence. If you have any concerns during this time please email me or contact Mrs. McCrea.
Mrs. McCrea's last day with us is Thurs. Mar. 25. We wish her good luck on her journey with the arrival of their baby and look forward to her return next April.
ELA & Religion--The students have been working on persuasive paragraph writing. We reviewed Literacy Circles and will be starting a class novel.
Math--The Grade 7s have been working on Ch. 8 about Circles. The Grade 8s have been working on Ch.7 on Volume and will complete it this week with a test when we return from Spring Break.
Social Studies--The students have finished taking notes on Ghana and Mali and filled out a chart on the goods that were traded. We also played a card game linked to trading goods in those locations.
Science--We are doing our stream development experiment and are hoping to work on mapping contours next week.
French--We continued to work on various verb activities.
Important Dates:
March 22--Shops
March 22--25--Ethiopia Week
March 24--Booster Juice Lunch
March 26--Admin. Day No School
April 5--No School
April 6--Return to School
April 7--Team Building Retreat @ Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, (bring your own lunch)
During the week of March 22 – 25, our whole school will be studying the country of Ethiopia. This is the country where our sponsor child, Rehimet, lives. The students will be participating in various activities to learn all about Ethiopia (art, music, food, culture, geography, games, etc...) If you have any books, music, art, artifacts, pictures, or special connections with this country, and are willing to share them, please let us know.
Enjoy your week!