Good Morning! I hope everyone enjoyed a restful weekend and set their clocks ahead.
Parent Teacher interviews are this week. Please make sure you sign up on the bulletin board outside the office. I will be available on Mar. 16 (Tues.) from 1:00--4:30, on Mar. 17 (Wed.) all day at Beautiful Saviour Luthern Church, and Mar. 18 (Thurs.) from 2:00 until 5:00. If there is a specific time you would like, please email me and I will schedule it in immediately for you.
On March 17 the students will be attending a Team Building Retreat at Beautiful Saviour Lutheran Church. The students will leave after chapel time at the school. Transportation will be provided. They are to bring a bag lunch with them as they will not be leaving the church to get food. If you would like to pick up your child from the church at the end of the day, please let myself or the school know and that can be arranged. They students will be transported back to the school at the end of the day for dismissal.
ELA & Religion--The students have been working on persuasive paragraph writing and completed presentations and peer evaluations. We will be reviewing Literacy Circles and starting a class novel.
Math--The Grade 7s finished Chapter 7 on Fractions and will be bringing home their tests for signing tonight. They will start Ch. 8 on Circles today. The Grade 8s finished Chapter 6 on Fractions and should have gotten their tests signed over the weekend. They started Ch.7 last week on Volume and will be moving through this chapter quite quickly.
Social Studies--The students have been looking at the Islamic religion and modern day Ghana and Mali
Science--Stream development has been started this week and will be continued next week, followed by drawing topographic profiles.
French--We workd on verbs this week.
Important Dates:
March 16, 17, 18--Parent Teacher Conferences
March 17--Team Building Retreat @ Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, (bring your own lunch)
March 18--Booster Juice Orders Due
March 19 Sobey's Gift Card orders due, Soup Day
March 22--Shops
March 22--25--Ethiopia Week
March 24--Booster Juice Lunch
March 26--Admin. Day No School
April 5--No School
April 6--Return to School
During the week of March 22 – 25, our whole school will be studying the country of Ethiopia. This is the country where our sponsor child, Rehimet, lives. The students will be participating in various activities to learn all about Ethiopia (art, music, food, culture, geography, games, etc...) If you have any books, music, art, artifacts, pictures, or special connections with this country, and are willing to share them, please let us know.