Good bye May.....Hello June!!!
Thank-you to all of the parents and students who attended Evening of the Arts. Everyone said it was a lovely evening of entertainment and fellowship!
Reminder to Gr. 8 families: You must have your tickets purchased for Celebrations by May 31st.
ELA & Religion--We have finished Tuck Everlasting and the students have started reading new novels. They should complete the reading by the end of next week and finish up their Literature Circle Units by June 8. The students will be ending the year with Religion lessons and Health units. A permission slip will be sent home soon regarding the Sex Education Unit.
Math--The Grade 7s are working on Ch. 11, Solving Equations. The Grade 8s have started Ch. 11 on Probability. Both grades have Ch. 11 and 12 to complete.
Social Studies--Students created murals of the middle ages. They are starting a unit on the Renaissance.
Science--We are finishing up mass, weight, volume and density. We will begin Optics late in the week.
French--We continued our study of food.
Important Dates:
June 2--Lunch Lady Forms Due
June 4--Shops p.m.
June 7--Herb Buss Award Applicaton Due
June 14--Shops p.m.
June 22--Shops p.m.
June 23--PIP BBQ
June 24--Gr. 8 Grad @ 1:30
June 25--No School Admin. Day
June 28--Sports Day, p.m. only
June 29--Kindergarten Grad--a.m., Awards--p.m.
June 30--Last Day