Sunday, March 11, 2012

Weekly Update March 11, 2012

Report cards will be coming home, sealed, on Wednesday, March 14. Included in them will be a Government Assessment as well as their normal report card information. Student Led Conferences will be on Mar. 20 & 21 after school. Sign up sheets will be posted on the bulletin board in the front hallway. If the times do not work for you or you would like to discuss something individually, let me know and I'll try to accommodate you as soon as I can. The students have Shops on Wednesday so conferences will not be able to begin until they return. We can schedule up to four families at a time. Thanks for coming and viewing your student's progress.

ELA--I will be checking reading logs on Monday for 150 min. of reading as well as Agendas for signatures. The students chose the write Narrative paragraph for Power Paragraphs for the month of March. We will be completing some comprehension and grammar worksheets this week as well as preparing our Portfolios and discussing some information about the Ukraine. Three Reader Responses are due on March 19.

Math--The Gr. 7s will begin Ch. 8 on Circles this week. The Gr. 8s should finish Ch. 7 on Volume by the end of the week.

Social Studies--Students have begun their Chapter on the Ancient Greeks. They will be spending some extra time on Social Studies this week to finish the Greeks and start the Romes.

Important Dates
Mar. 12--Book Order Due
Mar. 12--Lunch Lady Lunch, Board Meeting @ 8:00 p.m.
Mar. 13--Shops p.m.
Mar. 14--Report Cards
Mar. 16--No School, PD Day
Mar. 19--Three Reader Responses Due
Mar. 19--23--Ukraine Week
Mar. 20--21--Portfolio Conferences
Mar. 21--Shops p.m.
Mar. 22--MTYP @ 10:00, Country Evening at BSLS, 7:00 p.m. Wine Raffle Draw
Mar. 26--30--Spring Break
Apr. 5--Shops p.m.
Apr. 6--Good Friday, No School
Apr. 9--Easter Monday, No School
Apr. 14--Gala Dinner