Sunday, December 16, 2012

Weekly Update December 16, 2012

This year our class is putting together a Christmas Hamper for a family of three, a Mom and two children. Hamper items are due Monday.  If someone would like to volunteer to deliver the hamper on Dec. 18 or 19 please let me know. I will let the family know what time works best for delivery.

Secret Santa begins this week of Dec. 17-21. I'm not so sure how secret it is!!!

Blue School shirts must be worn for the Forks Performance on Monday and on Wednesday for the Christmas Concert Performance at School.

Camp--Information will be sent out in the new year. For planning purposes the dates are June 17-19.

CLWR (Canadian Lutheran World Relief) November collection items: sets of 10 un-sharpened pencils, a sharpener and an eraser. The collection bucket is outside of Ms. Meilleur's door.

Please also remember Rehimet, our Compassion Canada sponsor child. We would like to collect $1.00/month from the students. If it is easier to bring it as one lump sum, please do so.

ELA--Final copy of the story is due Dec. 17 and will be presented this week. We will finish our novel Miracle on Maple Hill this week.

Math--Gr. 7--Students will complete Ch. 5 on Probability and will have a test on Thursday.

Math--Gr. 8--Students will complete Ch. 5--Surface Area and have a test on Thursday.

Social Studies--Students will continue Ch. 3 on Interaction after the break.

Science--Ecosystems projects are due in class on Dec. 17.

French--The Twelve Days of Christmas.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call the school or email me directly.

Important Dates
Dec. 17--Two Reader Responses Due, Good Copy of Christmas Story, Science Project, Band at the Forks 1:00 p.m.
Dec. 19--Shops p.m., 10:30 Christmas Concert Performance at BSLS
Dec. 20--Christmas Concert Evening Performance, BSLC at 6:00, arrive at 5:15
Dec. 21--Last Day before Christmas Break
Jan. 7--Classes Resume