Friday, June 3, 2011

Weekly Update June 3

Welcome Summer!

ELA—Two Reader Responses for June are due June 17. Students presented, handed in, and peer evaluated their Poetry Anthologies. They have been assessed and returned to students. The students have started reading either Old Yeller or Firegirl and will be working in Literature Circles to complete the novel including novel questions and a final project. A permission slip will be coming home in the next couple of weeks for our last unit which is cross curricular dealing with Sex Education.

Math--Grade 7s are working on Ch. 11 on Linear Expressions and Equations. They will have a test next week. Grade 8s are completing Chapter 11 on Probability and will have a test on Monday. One more chapter to go for both grades!!!

Social Studies—The students began looking at different ecosystems around the world

Science—We are continuing our final project for structures until the end of next week.

French--We continued to work on our French yearbook to review our year's work.

Dates to Remember:
June 6--Shops p.m., Book Orders Due
June 7—Lunch Lady Orders Due
June 10—Herb Buss Award Application Due for Grade 8s, Hot Dog Order Due
June 13--Tennis Workshop
June 14--Shops p.m.
June 15—Hot Dog Lunch, No Homework Club
June 17—Reader Responses Due for June
June 20—Lunch Lady Lunch
June 22--Shops p.m.
June 24--Admin. Day, No School
June 27—Kindergarten Graduation @ 9:00, Sports Day, p.m.
June 29—Grade 8 Graduation @ 1:00
June 30—Awards Ceremony @ 1:00, Report Cards Sent Home, Last Day