Monday, June 20, 2011

Weekly Update June 17

Our classroom is Humid & Hot! Please encourage your children to dress accordingly....shorts & t-shirts (no hoodies, please!)!!

ELA—Two Reader Responses for June were due June 17 (today). Students have completed one novel and are working on completing their second Literature Circle and Novel Study. This will be due on June 22 with a final project due on June 23. A permission slip was sent home for our last unit which is cross curricular dealing with Sex Education. It was due today, June 17.

Math--Grade 7s are completing Ch. 12 on Median, Mode and Means. They will write their test on Tuesday. Grade 8s have completed Chapter 12 on Tessellations. During Math class until the end of the year we will be completing our religion curriculum and health unit.

Social Studies—The students have been mapping and looking at more developed countries.

Science—We will finish our research on Canadian Contributions to science. Presentations are due on June 22nd and we will complete the presentations in our remaining class time.

French--We finished our French yearbook.

Dates to Remember:
June 20—Lunch Lady Lunch
June 22--Shops p.m., Literature Circle Due
June 23--Tennis Workshop Re-scheduled, Final Novel Project Due
June 24--Admin. Day, No School
June 27—Kindergarten Graduation @ 9:00, Sports Day, p.m.
June 29—Grade 8 Graduation @ 1:00
June 30—Awards Ceremony @ 1:00, Report Cards Sent Home, Last Day