Happy Mother’s Day!!
You all should have received invitations for the Volunteer Lunch on May 19. Please RSVP as soon as possible.
ELA—Four Reader Responses for May are due May 27. The students have been working on another Creative Writing Story this week. Rough Drafts are due on Monday and I will be conferencing with each of them and editing during next week. We will finally be starting a poetry unit this week.
Math--Grade 7s are completing Ch. 9 on Integers and will be tested next week. Grade 8s are completing Linear Relationships in Ch. 9 and will be tested next week.
Social Studies—The students have been discussing the political parties in Canada. They have talked about the promises by parties and what the students agree and don’t agree with.
Science—We continued working on internal and external forces on structures, using the Tower of Pisa as a case study. We will be working on reinforcing stability next.
French--We finished our food study.
Dates to Remember:
May 6--Taco Lunch Order Form Due
May 9--Board Meeting
May 10--Shops p.m.
May 11--Taco Lunch, No Homework Club (Staff Meeting)
May 16--Lunch Lady Lunch
May 18--Shops p.m.
May 19—Volunteer Appreciation Lunch at 12:00
May 20--Admin. Day, No School
May 23--Victoria Day, No School
May 25--Hot Dog Lunch
May 25--Evening of the Arts
May 27--Shops p.m., Four Reader Responses Due