Monday, May 2, 2011

Weekly Update May 2

Merry Christmas!!! Ooppss!! Happy May!!

Thank you to all the parents and students who helped to make our Spring Tea a big success. It was great to see such a large group working together.

The students participated today in Music Monday. The Gr. 6-8 Band played the song "Tomorrow is Coming" by Luke Doucette and the entire school sang the song outside at 11:45.

ELA—Four Reader Responses for May are due May 27. The students completed a creation of their own flower species for the Spring Tea. They will be put on the bulletin board for display during Evening of the Arts. We will be starting a poetry unit this week as well as another Creative Writing Story. We are also preparing skits for our chapel presentation.

Math--Grade 7s started Ch. 9 on Integers. Grade 8s started Linear Relationships in Ch. 9.

French--We continued to work on our Food Study and also did a bit of vocabulary work on Easter words.

Dates to Remember:
May 2--Shops p.m., Book Orders Due, Music Monday
May 6--Taco Lunch Order Form Due
May 9--Board Meeting
May 10--Shops p.m.
May 11--Taco Lunch
May 16--Lunch Lady Lunch
May 18--Shops p.m.
May 20--Admin. Day, No School
May 23--Victoria Day, No School
May 25--Hot Dog Lunch
May 25--Evening of the Arts
May 27--Shops p.m.