Sunday, April 17, 2011

Weekly Update April 17

Good Morning!

Welcome Winter again!!! Hopefully the snow completely disappears today and we start seeing some spring in time for Easter.

ELA—Four Reader Responses for April are due Apr. 29. The students have been working on their Children's Bible Story Books. They are due April 21 and will be presented to the class that day. The students will evaluate each other's stories before I do to give realistic feedback. They look great so far and I am excited to see them all. We worked on Synonyms, Homonyms and Antonyms this week as well to tie into our story writing from before Spring Break. We will be starting a poetry unit this week or next as well as another Creative Story.

Math--Grade 7s will be completing Ch. 8 on Circles this week with a test later in the week. Grade 8s will be completing Ch. 8 on Integers and will be tested on it later in the week.

Social Studies--The students have been summarizing what they have learned this year so far relating to Africa, Asia and Australasia in an essay format.

Science--We have been working on a final unit assignment which is due on Wednesday. We will begin our last unit, Forces and Structures on Monday.

French--We started our study on Food through various grammar and writing activities.

Dates to Remember:
Apr. 15--Show and Save Coupon Book Orders Due
Apr. 18--Lunch Lady Lunch
Apr. 19--Running Club begins and continues until June 16
Apr. 21--Shops p.m., Children's Bible Story Due
Apr. 22--Good Friday, No School
Apr. 25--Admin. Day, No School
Apr. 30--Spring Tea, 12:30-4:30
May 2--Shops p.m., Book Orders Due
May 9--Board Meeting
May 10--Shops p.m.
May 18--Shops p.m.
May 20--Admin. Day, No School
May 23--Victoria Day, No School
May 25--Evening of the Arts
May 27--Shops p.m.

Have a Great Week!