Monday, April 11, 2011

Weekly Update April 10

Good Evening!

We have all survived our first week back after spring break. Hopefully we can get back into our routine for Term 3.

ELA—Four Reader Responses for April are due Apr. 29. The students have all now handed in and presented their final projects for Freak the Mighty. We will be watching the movie "The Mighty" which is based on the novel this week, probably Friday. Some students choose to present their Creative Writing Stories. We saw our last MTYP play, Circus Incognitus and the students really enjoyed it. Thanks to Mrs. Woo for driving.
We began working on our Children's Bible Story Books. They are due on April 21 before Easter Weekend. We will be starting a poetry unit this week or next.

Math--Grade 7s began Ch. 8 on Circles. Grade 8s started Ch. 8 on Integers.

Social Studies--The students have been looking at cultural, political and economic consequences of colonization on the quality of life in a particular country and setting up a news broadcast in the chosen country.

Science--We have now finished our unit on Particle Theory. The students will be given a final evaluation to work on next week.

French--We worked on sentence writing and grammar in French class.

Dates to Remember:
Apr. 11--Book Order Due
Apr. 11--Board Meeting @ 8:00
Apr. 13--Shops p.m., Staff Meeting, No Homework Club
Apr. 14--PIP Meeting @ 7:00
Apr. 15--Show and Save Coupon Book Orders Due
Apr. 18--Lunch Lady Lunch
Apr. 21--Shops p.m., Children's Bible Story Due
Apr. 22--Good Friday, No School
Apr. 25--Admin. Day, No School
Apr. 30--Spring Tea, 12:30-4:30

Have a Great Week!