If you haven't already contacted me in regards to scheduling Student Led Conferences, please let me know which time slot works best for you on Mar. 16. The slots available are 3:30-4:00, 4:00-4:30, 4:30-5:00, and 5:00 to 5:30. I will confirm your request via email.
ELA—Three Reader Responses for March are due Mar. 23. Students have been working on their Novel Study, Freak the Mighty. We should be done by Mar. 18 with a final project to follow.
Religion--Thanks to Pastor Schnarr for visiting and answering questions last week. The students enjoyed having him and asked him all sorts of questions.
Math--Grade 7s are continuing their study on Fractions in Chapter 7. Grade 8s are starting Ch. 7 on Volume. Tests should be signed for Monday.
Social Studies--Students are looking at cultures and our bias toward cultures that are similar to our own, assimilation and the eventual changes a culture goes through while still maintaining their identity.
Science—We are working on heat vs. temperature and measuring temperature.
French--We worked on various French vocabulary and grammar.
Dates to Remember:
Mar. 4--Admin. Day--No School
Mar. 7--Taco Lunch Form Due
Mar. 11--Taco Lunch
Mar. 11--Report Card Day
Mar. 14--Lunch Lady Lunch
Mar. 18--MTYP at 10:00
Mar. 21--Shops p.m.
Mar. 21-15--Country Week, Japan (Mrs. Bishop is away)
Mar. 24--Country Week Evening hosted by PIP @ 6:30
Mar. 25--Last Day
Mar. 26--Apr. 3--Spring Break
Apr. 4--Return to School
Have a great weekend!