I will be contacting families to schedule Student Led Conferences at the beginning of March. Each family will be given some possible times to meet which could include lunch time. Let me know when I contact you, what works best for you.
Enjoy your Louis Riel Weekend! See you Tuesday!
ELA—Four Reader Responses for February are due Mar. 1. Students started thei new Novel Study on Freak the Mighty.
Math--Grade 7s completed Ch. 6, and will continue their study on Fractions in Chapter 7. Grade 8s are completing Ch. 6 on Fractions (Multiplying and Dividing). Test will be next week.
Social Studies--No Report
Science—No Report
French—We continued our study on Festival du Voyageur. We had a great time on our field trip to Festival du Voyageur.
Dates to Remember:
Feb. 21--Louis Riel Day--No School
Feb. 23--Shops p.m.
Feb. 25--PD Day--No School
Mar. 1--Book Order Due
Mar. 4--Admin. Day--No School
Mar. 11--Report Card Day