Good Afternoon!
I hope everyone is surviving the cold snap we have been experiencing.
The ski trip went very well. The students all skied and enjoyed each others company. I hope no one is too sore and bruised. Thank you to Mr. B and Mr. Dickson for skiing with us. Holiday Mountain was ours exclusively because of the weather and this worked out perfectly as all of the staff lavished their attention solely on us. We had the run of the ski resort. It was great!!
ELA—We are completing the Let Me Tell You Anthology. Three Reader Responses for January are due Feb. 1. The students presented descriptive paragraphs to the class which they also peer evaluated. We are finishing up an art project using lines and shading.
Math--Grade 7s have been working on Probability in Ch. 5. They should finish by the end of this week. Grade 8s have been working on Surface Area of Prisms and should finish Ch. 5 by the end of this week.
Social Studies--no report, only 3 days
Science—no report, only 3 days
French—We worked on Winter vocabulary through various activities.
Dates to Remember:
Jan. 24—Book Orders Due
Jan. 27—Shops p.m.
Jan. 28—No School, PD Day
Jan. 31--Lunch Lady Forms Due
Feb. 1—Three Reader Responses Due
Feb. 4--Shops p.m.
Feb. 4--Returning Student Registrations Due (before opening to the public)
Feb. 7--11 Spirit Week
Feb. 11--Rocks and Rings Program
Feb. 14--Shops p.m.
Feb. 14--Lunch Lady Lunch
Feb. 16--Open House at the School
Feb. 18--7/8 Festival du Voyageur (more info. coming)