Monday, January 17, 2011

Weekly Update January 14

Good Afternoon!

Important Reminder: We will need a cheque for ski and board rentals by January 19, 2011. The cost for ski rentals, lift tickets, remainder of transportation and taxes will be $47.00 and snow boarding will be $55.50. Please make the cheque payable to Beautiful Savior Lutheran School. If cheques or cash are not received on or before Jan. 19 your student will not be able to attend the ski trip.

The bus will be leaving the school at 7:15 a.m. on Jan. 21 and returning at approximately 5:30 p.m. Students should arrive at the school for 7:05 a.m.

Students will be allowed to have Ipods, cameras, etc. but will be responsible for them. The school will take no responsibility for lost, stolen or broken personal electronics. I will allow students with cell phones to call their parents on the way home from the resort to let them know the exact time of our arrival at the school. If you have any questions, please let me know.

ELA—We are completing the Let Me Tell You Anthology. Three Reader Responses for January are due Feb. 1.

Math--Grade 7s have been working on Probability in Ch. 5. They should finish by the end of next week. Grade 8s have been working on Surface Area of Prisms and should finish Ch. 5 by the end of next week.

Social Studies--Students discussed the UN and why it was created and also its importance. They are looking at an historical event that continues to affect a group of people today. Ex. Colonization, slavery, war, disasters.

Science—We have been working on Ecological Pyramids and energy transfer. Next week we will be looking at how chemicals are transferred through the pyramids and photosynthesis.

French—We worked on Winter vocabulary through various activities.

Dates to Remember:
Jan. 11—Shops p.m.
Jan. 17—Lunch Lady Lunch
Jan. 19—Shops p.m.
Jan. 20—Booster Juice Lunch
Jan. 21—Ski Trip, leaving at 7:15 a.m., returning at 5:30 p.m.
Jan. 24—Book Order Due
Jan. 27—Shops p.m.
Jan. 28—No School, PD Day
Feb. 1—Three Reader Responses Due