Welcome back and congratulations on finishing the first week of school! (Not a full week but a week anyway!)
The Grade 7/8 class have been busy organizing their supplies, binders, and getting used to "new" expectations.
I think things have gone very well and look forward to a great year!
ELA--We have created Power Paragraph Journals and have talked about our Home Reading Program. I will give them the information for their Reading Response Journals next week. If they did not have 2 duotang folders, they will need them for Monday for their journals.
Religion--Students have been asked to prepare a devotional once a month for the year to share with the class. As well they have a devotional/prayer journal to summarize and reflect on all devotions shared and write a prayer for the day.
Math--We have discussed expectations for class and started with a Scavenger Hunt with their text.
Art--We created Name Cards for our lockers and signed-up for a month of Bulletin Board displays.
Science--We've begun discussing the targets and work for our unit on cells and systems. We will begin characteristics of living things next week.
Social Studies--We have been identifying places in Canada and the World on a map and we have discussed what we know about history.
French--We have been working on back to school vocabulary.
Scholastic Book Orders are due on Sept. 17.
The students have also been asked to bring home their agendas on Fridays and have parents review them and then return them to me on Monday a.m. so I can check for signatures and communication. IT IS UP TO THE STUDENT TO BRING THE AGENDA TO YOU! I am trying to teach them organization and responsibility as they need this for high school.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me or call the school for immediate contact.Have a great weekend!
Lorelee Bishop