Good Afternoon,
The weather has been fabulous this week! Hard to believe October is right around the corner.
ELA & Religion--We continued to work on our Journals this week. I think that the expectations are very clear to all the students now. Students should be continuing to read at home and log their time accordingly. Everyone has begun working on their Autobiographical Project. Students should be asking you for pictures and information about their lives. Autobiography rough drafts are due on Tuesday. We continue to work on classroom organization, direction, classroom and school rules, and playground rules. I do think things are getting better but this will have to be an on-going task with constant reminders.
Math--Both grades have completed Unit 2 of Chapter 1. They both had a pop quiz again today as well!
Social Studies--Students have been talking about archaelogy.
Science--Students made slides of onion membranes and did a DNA experiment with kiwi. Next week we will learn more about cell theory and cell structures.
French--Students continued our study on school vocabulary through various activities. The students will have a test next week on the vocabulary.
Entertainment books were due last Monday. Please return the book or the money to the office immediately.
All of the teachers have been working really hard at having the students fill out their agenda both at the end of their class and at the end of the day. They should be bringing home their agendas daily for their own use but must bring home their agendas on Fridays and have parents review them and then return them to me on Monday a.m. so I can check for signatures and communication. IT IS UP TO THE STUDENT TO BRING THE AGENDA TO YOU! I am trying to teach them organization and responsibility as they need this for high school.
Progress this week has gone much better. The classroom looks much less of a disaster at the end of the day and the students seem to be falling into routines better. Expectations are being met a little better and students are realizing that they are expected to be good role models and must practice tasks to exemplify this if they are not providing evidence of being mature, responsible individuals. (Ask them about their "inside shoes" incident with Ms. McCrea.) We are on a positive road again.....maybe the change in the seating plan helped!
A yearbook club has been formed and began this week on Thursday at lunch. The group will meet every Thursday at lunch to work on creating a yearbook for this year. Jackie Watts and myself will be helping the students achieve their task.
The school will be having a spirit week October 5-9 in conjunction with the Terry Fox Run. You will receive more information next week.
Have a wonderful weekend! Looks like this could be the last "summer" weekend this year.
Lorelee Bishop