This blog includes updates for parents and students to organize for school. There will be weekly updates of school events, upcoming tests, etc.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Weekly Update Oct. 19--22
I hope you are enjoying this burst of nice weather.
ELA & Religion--Students completed reading assessments this week with me and did some of their home reading in class. They also worked on a Noun and Capitalization review. We will be doing some Religion/ELA based classes next week with focus on Halloween.
Math--Grade 8s started Ch. 3 on the Pythagorean Theory and square roots. Grade 7s are completing Chapter 2 on decimals and estimating and will have a test at the end of next week.
Social Studies--Students wrote a test for the first unit and began their second unit on Egypt.
Science--Students finished our basic discussion on diffusion and osmosis. Next week we'll work on designing an osmosis experiment.
French--Students are working on Fall Vocabulary/Study and doing some Halloween activities.
There is a Winnipeg Harvest collection box in the front hallway of the school. Please feel free to send items to donate to Winnipeg Harvest.
Also, we are collecting the $1/family/month for Compassion Canada as indicated in the letter sent home a few weeks ago. The money can be left at the office or put into the jar on the alter in the chapel area.
Agenda Check--EVERY MONDAY
Home Reading--It is essential to the progression of the student's reading level to complete the home reading each week. Students need to read 150 min./week and log this in their Reader Response Journal. The log must be signed by a parent and then a response is written each Monday. Many students do not get their parents to initial their log as well as MANY STUDENTS ARE NOT COMPLETING THE READING. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ASK YOUR CHILD ABOUT THIS.
Shops--Oct. 29 The students should have brought home a calendar with all of the days highlighted for shops.
Halloween parties will be on Fri. afternoon. Ms. Paul will be giving the students more details. They will have a costume parade, a dance, and a party. Please make sure costumes are not of the scary nature: no masks, blood, weapons, etc.
Have a great weekend!
Lorelee Bishop
Weekly Update Oct. 13--16
We have had a busy week even though it was a short week. Sometimes the short weeks are the busiest.
ELA & Religion--The Timeline project has been completed. The students had the opportunity to have a "viewing gallery" of all the completed projects. Many students put alot of effort into their final project....I can't wait to look at them myself! Check out our bulletin boards. The students work for Thanksgiving is displayed on one of the boards. The other board is done by a different pair of students each month and is part of their Art curriculum. Next week: short stories, literature circles.
Math--Grade 8s are completing Ch. 2 and have a test on Tuesday. Grade 7s have begun Chapter 2 on decimals and estimating.
Social Studies--Students have worked on a map assignment where they identified and located mountain ranges, bodies of water, and deserts in ancient Mesopotamia. They have also been working on a critical thinking activity, pretending to be in a position of power and having to make important decisions for their community.
Science--Students have begun diffusion in cells and will continue with osmosis next week.
French--Students are working on Fall Vocabulary through various activities.
There is a Winnipeg Harvest collection box in the front hallway of the school. Please feel free to send items to donate to Winnipeg Harvest.
Also, we are collecting the $1/family/month for Compassion Canada as indicated in the letter sent home a few weeks ago. The money can be left at the office or put into the jar on the alter in the chapel area.
Pizza and Hot Lunch forms will go home today and must be returned by Thurs., Oct. 22.
Agenda Check--EVERY MONDAY
Home Reading--It is essential to the progression of the student's reading level to complete the home reading each week. Students need to read 150 min./week and log this in their Reader Response Journal. The log must be signed by a parent and then a response is written each Monday. Many students do not get their parents to initial their log. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ASK YOUR CHILD ABOUT THIS.
Shops--Oct. 21 The students should have brought home a calendar with all of the days highlighted for shops.
No School--Fri., Oct. 23
Have a great weekend!
Lorelee Bishop
Weekly Update Oct. 5--9
I truly hope the Lord blesses us with good weather and a delightful, funfilled family weekend for everyone!
ELA & Religion--The Timeline project will be due on Wed. Oct. 14, after the Thanksgiving weekend. The students have been busily working this week and hopefully will be ready to hand-in a completed "scrapbook" Wednesday. We will be reviewing literacy circles and reading some short stories to reinforce and develop good discussion skills and role review with literacy circles. Today we had a "Thanksgiving Day". We did some sharing and talked about some history about Thanksgiving. The students completed some written work and it will be posted this afternoon on a new bulletin board outside our room. They are also completing a Thanksgiving Mosaic picture that will be posted on Tuesday.
Math--Grade 8s have started Chapter 2 and have completed 2 units this week. Grade 7s had a test on Wed. and were to have it signed and returned today. They have just begun Chapter 2 on decimals.
Social Studies--Students have been discussing religion, government, farming, food, medicine, housing and clothing of Mesopotamia.
Science--Students discussed animal and plant cell structures.
French--Students are working on Fall Vocabulary.
Scholastic book orders are due on Wed., Oct. 14.
Spirit Week was very interesting. There is quite a mix of participaters in the 7/8 class. I think they did enjoy it! Only a few Tasks for Terry sheets have been returned. Please bring them in on Tuesday if you forgot.
Agenda Check--EVERY MONDAY
Shops--Oct. 13 The students should have brought home a calendar with all of the days highlighted for shops. Let me know if you didn't get one.
Have a safe and happy holiday weekend!
Lorelee Bishop
Weekly Update Sept. 28--Oct. 2
Good Afternoon,
I think fall has come.....let's hope it stays for a while and the snow stays away.
ELA & Religion--We did some review on sentence structure this week in addition to working with our journals and autobiography. The Timeline project will be due after the Thanksgiving weekend. Please make sure that the students have pictures/items to work with this week in class to finish up this project. We will be doing a short novel together and a Poetry Unit after the Timeline Project is complete.
Math--Grade 8s have finished Chapter 1 and had a test today. Grade 7s are completing the last unit in Chapter 1 and will have a test next week.
Social Studies--Students have been discussing root words, ice age, stone age and the development of humans.
Science--Students finished their work on cell theory and microscopes. Next week we will look at structures of animal and plant cells.
French--Students finished their study on school vocabulary and had a test.Scholastic book orders will go home on Monday.
Spirit Week--Oct. 5--Backwards/Wacky Day, Oct. 6--Sports Day, Oct. 7--PJ Day, Oct. 8--Hat Day ($1 for Terry Fox Foundation), Oct. 9--School Color Day (Blue or wear your school t-shirt from last year)
On Friday at 2:00 the students will be going on a walk around the community in honour of Terry Fox. All parents are welcome to join us. The students should have brought home a Tasks for Terry sheet with their hand print on it. Please return the sheet with donations by Friday, October 9.
Agenda Check--EVERY MONDAY
Please ask your child about the incident that happened on the playground Tues. p.m. They can inform you of their consequences.
A yearbook club has been formed and began last week Thursday at lunch. The group met again this Thursday but many of the students seem to have lost interest. We are hoping to create a yearbook for all of the students to enjoy. This is a large task and we need all the help we can get. Please speak with your child and have them see me if they are still interested. I'm sure we can find something of interest for them to do.
Have a great weekend!
Lorelee Bishop
Weekly Update Sept. 21--25
The weather has been fabulous this week! Hard to believe October is right around the corner.
ELA & Religion--We continued to work on our Journals this week. I think that the expectations are very clear to all the students now. Students should be continuing to read at home and log their time accordingly. Everyone has begun working on their Autobiographical Project. Students should be asking you for pictures and information about their lives. Autobiography rough drafts are due on Tuesday. We continue to work on classroom organization, direction, classroom and school rules, and playground rules. I do think things are getting better but this will have to be an on-going task with constant reminders.
Math--Both grades have completed Unit 2 of Chapter 1. They both had a pop quiz again today as well!
Social Studies--Students have been talking about archaelogy.
Science--Students made slides of onion membranes and did a DNA experiment with kiwi. Next week we will learn more about cell theory and cell structures.
French--Students continued our study on school vocabulary through various activities. The students will have a test next week on the vocabulary.
Entertainment books were due last Monday. Please return the book or the money to the office immediately.
All of the teachers have been working really hard at having the students fill out their agenda both at the end of their class and at the end of the day. They should be bringing home their agendas daily for their own use but must bring home their agendas on Fridays and have parents review them and then return them to me on Monday a.m. so I can check for signatures and communication. IT IS UP TO THE STUDENT TO BRING THE AGENDA TO YOU! I am trying to teach them organization and responsibility as they need this for high school.
Progress this week has gone much better. The classroom looks much less of a disaster at the end of the day and the students seem to be falling into routines better. Expectations are being met a little better and students are realizing that they are expected to be good role models and must practice tasks to exemplify this if they are not providing evidence of being mature, responsible individuals. (Ask them about their "inside shoes" incident with Ms. McCrea.) We are on a positive road again.....maybe the change in the seating plan helped!
A yearbook club has been formed and began this week on Thursday at lunch. The group will meet every Thursday at lunch to work on creating a yearbook for this year. Jackie Watts and myself will be helping the students achieve their task.
The school will be having a spirit week October 5-9 in conjunction with the Terry Fox Run. You will receive more information next week.
Have a wonderful weekend! Looks like this could be the last "summer" weekend this year.
Lorelee Bishop
Weekly Update September 18
The Grade 7/8 class have had a very busy week. Hopefully they aren't too exhausted!
ELA & Religion--Power Paragraph Journals and Devotional Journals are assessed at the end of every week. They are given class time to complete both and are kept in the classroom so they have no reason not to have them completed, WELL! Students have been given their Reading Response Journals and should have been reading at home all week to accomplish their 150 minutes. They will be completing their first entry in class on Monday. Some students still need duo-tang folders. They are loosing their notes and assignments without them. We will be working on sentence structure this week and our new Autobiographical Project. Students should be asking you for pictures and information about their lives.
Math--Both grades have completed Unit 1 of Chapter 1. They both had a pop quiz today as well!Social Studies--Students have been discussing ancient cultures
Science--Students have learned characteristics of living things, worked on cell theory and will begin learning about the microscope and view cells next week.
French--Students continued to work on school vocabulary.
Entertainment books are due on Monday. Either the book or the money for the book with other orders must be handed in.
Again, the students have also been asked to bring home their agendas on Fridays and have parents review them and then return them to me on Monday a.m. so I can check for signatures and communication. IT IS UP TO THE STUDENT TO BRING THE AGENDA TO YOU! I am trying to teach them organization and responsibility as they need this for high school.
Progress at school has not gone as well as I had hoped. In class work has not been completed to potential for most students and I have spent way too much time re-iterating instructions, repeating expectations, cleaning up after students and making routines work. It is important for everyone to follow directions and routines. I am hoping that after a week, routines have been placed and wasted time completing in class work and repeating information should end. Common rules such as "not talking while the teacher talks" seem very difficult for some students as well as keeping my things IN MY DESK and IN MY LOCKER are incredibly difficult. I continue to work with the students but am enforcing that in high school, their property would be stolen or gone if not kept in its proper location and organizing themselves will be their priority alone. In ELA and Math, classwork has been given but not homework. If they didn't work diligently in class, they had homework. I have given out zeroes for in class assignments that were simply not done or not handed in. I cannot assess things that are not here when sufficient time has been given to complete assignments in class.
Of course this doesn't apply to all students but I wanted all the parents to know how I will be handling in class assignments, etc.
Thanks for your understanding!
Pray for us!
Lorelee Bishop
Weekly Update Sept. 8-11
The Grade 7/8 class have been busy organizing their supplies, binders, and getting used to "new" expectations.
I think things have gone very well and look forward to a great year!
ELA--We have created Power Paragraph Journals and have talked about our Home Reading Program. I will give them the information for their Reading Response Journals next week. If they did not have 2 duotang folders, they will need them for Monday for their journals.
Religion--Students have been asked to prepare a devotional once a month for the year to share with the class. As well they have a devotional/prayer journal to summarize and reflect on all devotions shared and write a prayer for the day.
Math--We have discussed expectations for class and started with a Scavenger Hunt with their text.
Art--We created Name Cards for our lockers and signed-up for a month of Bulletin Board displays.
Science--We've begun discussing the targets and work for our unit on cells and systems. We will begin characteristics of living things next week.
Social Studies--We have been identifying places in Canada and the World on a map and we have discussed what we know about history.
French--We have been working on back to school vocabulary.
Scholastic Book Orders are due on Sept. 17.
The students have also been asked to bring home their agendas on Fridays and have parents review them and then return them to me on Monday a.m. so I can check for signatures and communication. IT IS UP TO THE STUDENT TO BRING THE AGENDA TO YOU! I am trying to teach them organization and responsibility as they need this for high school.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me or call the school for immediate contact.Have a great weekend!
Lorelee Bishop