Friday, January 23, 2015

Update January 23, 2015

Jan. 26--30--Artist in the School Program with Randy Guest, Videographer
Online Application--for returning students until Jan. 30, open to the public Feb. 2

ELA--Students continue to work on a creative writing/art project on their Dream Room.  Reader Responses--4 due on Jan. 30.

Math--Gr. 7--Students worked on Common Denominator Worksheets and have begun Ch. 7--Add and Subtract Fractions.

Math--Gr. 8--Students have a test on Ch. 6--Fraction Operations on Monday.  They will start Ch. 7--Volume next week.

Social Studies--Students have begun discussing the impact of various factors on quality of life in Canada and elsewhere in the world.

Science--The students have started the unit on the Earth's Crust and talked about the layers of the earth and rock types.

Pics at the Black Violin Performance at MTYP