Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Weekly Update October 22, 2013

Please remember to sign your student's agenda.  I check agendas Monday morning for signatures.  Home Reading should be included in the Agenda with the book name and time read.

WE CARE KITS--Thank you so much for bringing in your items.  The students were able to assemble 13 Care Kits and present them to the CLWR Reps at Chapel last Wednesday.  To complete our service project we will be going to CLWR on Thursday morning for a tour and to help assemble more kits.

ELA--Students have begun writing stories on chosen topics.  They will use the Elements which were discussed in class. Four Reader Responses are due on November 1. 

Math--Gr. 7--Students are working on Ch. 3--Geometry and Measurement. 

Math--Gr. 8--Students are working on Ch. 3--Pythagorean Relationship.

Social Studies--Students are working on a Archaeology/Artifacts Project.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call the school or email me directly.

Important Dates
Oct. 22--Picture Retakes
Oct. 23--Hot Dog Day
Oct. 24--CLWR Visit a.m., WE Day Permission Forms Due
Oct. 25--SAGE, No Classes
Oct. 29--MTYP a.m.
Oct. 30--WE Day
Oct. 31--Halloween Day
Nov. 1--Book Order Due, 4 Reader Responses Due
Nov. 2--Christmas Tea and Coffee House
Nov. 4--Shops p.m.
Nov. 8--Admin. Day, No Classes
Nov. 11--Remembrance Day, No Classes
Nov. 13--Lunch Lady, Shops p.m.
Nov. 15--Report Cards Go Home
Nov. 19/20--Student Led Conferences
Nov. 27--Boston Pizza Lunch
Nov. 29--Live Music Night, Shops p.m.