To grade 7/8 parents
I hope everyone enjoyed the Christmas break and had a chance to relax with friends and family. It was really nice for me to be back at school with all the students. You may have heard that I have asked the students to start using their agenda to improve the planning and organization of their homework. It will also serve as a good communication tool for you and I regarding how your child is doing.
In Chapel this month we will be learning about prayer. We have already started the discussion about all the different things we can talk to God about.
7/8 Math- The students will be learning how to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions. Please feel free to use the mathletics program on your computer at home to reinforce learning on this topic.
ELA- We will start spelling again this week.
-The students each selected a novel which they are to read and respond to.
-We are also working on improving our writing skills using the 6 writing traits.
Science - We will be continuing our Fluid Unit, specifically looking at hydraulics and pneumatic
I encourage all students to dress for the cold as they are still outside for lunch recess. However I am available during this time if students need help with school work.
Hope you have a great week.
Mrs. Bonita Reimer