Happy December Parents,
Its that time of year again, only 7 full days of school left and then its Christmas Break.
The class once again is collecting donations for the Christmas Cheer Board. We have a family of 5 this year that we are collecting for. Talk to your children as they have already signed up to bring in donations. All donations are to be brought in by December 19th, as the hamper will be delivered on December 21st. Thank you for allthe food and gifts and your particapation in delivering the hamper.
We are finishing up our earth science unit in science, with a test on Friday December 16th.
We are also finishing our novel study on The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. Next week we are going to watch the movie and compare it with the book. There will be a letter coming home this week as the movie is not G rated as it deals with a mature topic including the Holocaust. I will be asking you to sign a permission form to allow your child to view the movie during class time.
The class is also doing a secret santa this year. The secret santa will go over 4 days next week. The budget is to spend no more then $15 dollars total on 3 small gifts and a bigger gift on the 4th day. The smaller gifts can be as simple as a chocolate bar or candy. The students have been assigned there secret santa partner last week.
The class is also going to have a holiday potluck on December 22nd while watching the movie. Those who did not bring in a food item at the Halloween potluck are being asked to bring this time. We have an egg and milk allergy in the classroom. We will also be celebrating the anticipation of the Lord's birth on the last day of school. They will also be caroling in the afternoon with the rest of the school.
There is no school on December 23rd. Classes will resume on January 9th, 2017.
Have a great week