Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Weekly Update--November 13, 2013

ELA--Students will be working on  Adjective and Adverb worksheets and their portfolios.  Three Reader Responses are due on November 29. 

Math--Gr. 7--Students have started Ch. 4--Fractions, Decimals and Percents.

Math--Gr. 8--Students have started Ch. 4--Understanding Percents.

Social Studies--Students have started their unit on The Early Peoples.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call the school or email me directly.

Important Dates
Nov. 13--Lunch Lady, Shops p.m. (Graphic Communications begins)
Nov. 15--Report Cards Go Home
Nov. 19/20--Student Led Conferences
Nov. 21--Shops p.m.
Nov. 29--Live Music Night, Shops p.m.