Please remember to sign your student's agenda. I check agendas Monday morning for signatures.
ELA--We have started our daily activities and routine for Power Paragraphs and Spelling Worksheets which are due each Friday. We will be reviewing Reader Responses and expectations for Home Reading and will be starting some Comprehension activities as well as a Project by the end of the week.
Math--Gr. 7--Students are working through a review and will start Ch. 1--Co-ordinates and Design this week.
Math--Gr. 8--Students are working through a review and will start Ch. 1--Representing Data this week.
Social Studies--Students will start a Scavenger Hunt of their text book and begin discussions about Ancient Civilizations and History.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call the school or email me directly.
Important Dates
Sept. 11--First Chapel for the year at 9:00 a.m., Lunch Lady Hot Lunch
Sept. 12--Shops p.m.
Sept. 13--Book Orders Due
Sept. 18--Picture Day
Sept. 20--Shops p.m.
Sept. 25--Boston Pizza Hot Lunch
Sept. 27--Terry Fox Walk
Sept. 30--Shops p.m.