Monday, February 25, 2013

Weekly Update February 25, 2013

CLWR--February Collection--small bar soaps and toothbrushes

MTYP--Thursday, February 28.  Permission slips due tomorrow. 

ELA/Religion--The students have been working on summarizing and illustrating Children's Bible Stories as well as working on common and proper nouns. Students will be writing a test on nouns on Wednesday.  Spelling test on Thursday for Week 21 & 22.  Four Reader Responses due on Thursday.

Math--Gr. 7--Students have begun Ch. 8--Circles.

Math--Gr. 8--Students have started Ch. 8 on Integers.

Social Studies--Students are completing Ch. 4 on Human Development--The Value of Life.  We have had many discussions about economies and Human Development Index.

Religion--Students will be working on creating a class devotion to share.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call the school or email me directly.

Important Dates
Feb. 28--MTYP, 4 Reader Responses due
Mar. 1--No School Admin. Day
Mar. 4--15--Artists in the School, Gr. 7/8 have one hour per day to focus on Drama, Lunch Lady Lunch, Shops p.m.
Mar. 8--Report Cards Distributed, Pizza Lunch
Mar. 12 & 13--Student Led Conferences
Mar. 12--Shops p.m.
Mar. 13--Open House at Birchdale 6:00-8:00
Mar. 18--22--Country Week
Mar. 20--Shops p.m.
Mar. 25--Mar. 29--Spring Break
Apr. 1--Easter Monday--No School
Apr. 4--Shops p.m.