CLWR--January Collection--one small, simple toy (new, that does not require batteries)
Rehimet--Compassion Canada $1.00/month
Camp--Commitment Form and Permission Slip goes home Monday with a deposit to be made by the end of January.
ELA--We will be finishing up our Short Stories Unit, Let Me Tell You, from before Christmas and working on some activities to go with the Munsch Play on Thursday.
Math--Gr. 7--Students will be writing their test for Ch. 6--Introduction to Fraction Operations on Monday and starting Ch. 7--More Fraction Operations.
Math--Gr. 8--Students are working on Ch. 6--Fraction Operations (Multiplying and Dividing Fractions) this week and should complete it by the end of the week.
Social Studies--Students have completed Ch. 3 on Interaction and have a test on Monday.
French--Test on Monday.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call the school or email me directly.
Important Dates
Jan. 21--Lunch Lady Order Due, Book Order Due
Jan. 23--Pizza Order Due
Jan. 24--Munsch Presentation @ 9:30, Family Appreciation Night--Movie Night
Jan. 25--PD Day, No School
Jan. 28--3 Reader Responses Due, Shops p.m.
Feb. 1--Pizza Lunch
Feb. 5--Shops p.m.
Feb. 13--Shops p.m.
Feb. 22- Shops p.m.