Thank-you to Major Wappler, Emilie's Dad for visiting our class on Nov. 8 and presenting at our Remembrance Day Service. Also thank-you to the students who participated in the service.
Student Led Conferences are on Nov. 20 and 21. Sign up sheets are on the bulletin board across from the office. If you are unable to attend on those dates and times, please contact me and I will arrange a separate time for your child to share their accomplishments with you.
CLWR (Canadian Lutheran World Relief) November collection items: sets of 10 un-sharpened pencils, a sharpener and an eraser. The collection bucket is outside of Ms. Meilleur's door.
Please also remember Rehimet, our Compassion Canada sponsor child. We would like to collect $1.00/month from the students. If it is easier to bring it as one lump sum, please do so.
ELA--Students will begin Unit 2 of our Short Stories unit which includes social skills. We will also be working on portfolios this week.
Art--The Remembrance Day collages are posted on our bulletin board.
Math--Gr. 7--Students begin Ch. 4 this week on Fractions, Decimals and Percents.
Math--Gr. 8--Students begin Ch. 4 this week on Fractions, Decimals and Percents.
SS--Students will be learning about population density this week.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call the school or email me directly.
Important Dates
Nov. 14--Return MTYP Forms
Nov. 15--Shops, p.m. Report Cards Go Home
Nov. 16--PD Day, No School
Nov. 20-21--Student Led Conferences
Nov. 22--MTYP a.m.
Nov. 23--Shops p.m.
Nov. 30--Four Reader Responses Due
Dec. 3--Shops p.m.
Dec. 11--Shops p.m.
Dec. 19--Shops p.m.
Dec. 20--Christmas Concert
Dec. 21--Last Day before Christmas Break
Jan. 7--Classes Resume