Camp Information--Final payments were due on Friday. Thanks to those who have handed them in already. Students should be at the school between 8:00 and 8:15 on June 19th. We will be leaving promptly at 8:30 to arrive at Luther Village by 12:00 p.m. Please make sure to follow the packing list. The students and I have discussed our activities, packing items, etc. A camp schedule is attached.
Health--We will be starting our Sex Health Unit on Monday. If you have any questions, please contact me at the school.
ELA--The students are working on their final novel. They have handed in their final project on their second novel. There are no Reader Responses due for June. The students are working on a story for the last two weeks instead of writing Power Paragraphs. They will present their story the last week of school. We are completing our last week of Spelling.
Math-- Gr. 7s should have brought home their Ch. 12 Test for signing. The Gr. 8s have now completed Ch. 12--Tessellations
Social Studies-- Students have completed their chapter on the Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas. They will have a quiz on Monday. They will be peer-teaching their chapter on the Middle Ages as well as creating their own quiz questions. We will be ending the year with the Renaissance, Reformation and Revolutions.
Important Dates
June 13--Gr. 8--Purchase tickets for Celebrations
June 14--Shops p.m.
June 17--Graduates @ BSL Church @ 10:00
June 18--Lunch Lady
June 19--21--Gr. 7/8 Camp, Luther Village
June 21--PIP BBQ--4:30
June 22--Shops p.m.
June 25--No School
June 27--Grade 8 Graduation 1:00 p.m., Dinner at Celebrations--6:15
June 29--Last Day of School--9:00 a.m. Kindergarten Grad, Sports Day 10:30 a.m., Awards 1:00-2:00 p.m.