VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION--It was great to see some of you on Wed. at the chapel service. We hope you enjoyed your flowers made by the Gr. 7/8s.
Field Trip Forms--Famine forms were sent home as well as a commitment form for Ascension Day Service on May 17.
Volunteers Needed--Our class prepared two thank-you cards for Winnipeg Harvest and Siloam Mission. We need volunteers to deliver them as well as a cheque to Winnipeg Harvest. Some of the students showed some interest but I haven't heard back from anyone. If anyone would be interested in delivering these cards could you please let me know a.s.a.p.
ELA--We have reviewed Literature Circles and expectations for the groups. We will be starting novel studies to end the year. The students will be continuing their presentations on Bullying/Cyber Bullying. Four Reader Responses are due on May 27.
Math-- Gr. 7s will be starting Ch. 11 on Linear Relations on Monday. Their tests will go home for signing then. Gr. 8s will be finishing Ch. 10 with a test on Tuesday. They will start Ch.11 on Probability later this week.
Social Studies-- Students have begun studying the Transition to the Modern World.
Important Dates
May 7--Book Orders Due
May 10--Shops p.m.
May 14--Lunch Lady
May 18--Shops p.m.
May 21--No School
May 29--Shops p.m.
May 30--Evening of the Arts
June 6--Shops p.m.
June 14--Shops p.m.
June 17--Graduates @ BSL Church @ 10:00
June 18--Lunch Lady
June 19--21--Gr. 7/8 Camp, Luther Village
June 22--Shops p.m.
June 25--No School
June 27--Grade 8 Graduation 1:00 p.m.
June 29--Last Day of School--9:00 a.m. Kindergarten Grad, Sports Day 10:30 a.m., Awards 1:00-2:00 p.m.