Welcome Back Winter! I sure hope the weather gets a little nicer and we can celebrate Spring again.
Grade 7/8 Camp--Luther Village has been tentatively scheduled for June 19-21. The costs will be calculated once we can confirm transportation and a male volunteer to accompany me and the students.
An information meeting will be held at the school on April 18 at 7:00 p.m. Megan, from Luther Village, will be out to give a presentation on the camp and what it has to offer. At this time we can discuss any questions you my have. A deposit will need to be made immediately after this information session.
If you are able to drive to and from the camp (approx. 3 hrs. from Winnipeg) or can volunteer to supervise at camp (male required), please let me know as soon as possible. You can check out the camp website at: www.luthervillage.ca
All parents and students are requested to attend.
Spring Tea--Students have been asked to volunteer to serve at the Tea on Sat., April 28. If they are able to volunteer please fill out the permission form and check off the time they will be available. If they are interested in a craft/garage sale table they can submit their form to the office as well.
ELA-- This past week students started an action project to help the homeless in Winnipeg: they have divided responsibilities up as they plan to raise money and organize a field trip (possibly to Winnipeg Harvest). We also hope to have a guest speaker from Siloam Mission come during the last week in April. They will continue some research and planning this week. The students will be discussing some sensitive topics during this unit. If you have any questions please ask your child and/or direct questions to me via email or call the school. Three Reader Responses are due on April 30.
Math-- The Gr. 7s are working on adding and subtracting integers and will have a test this coming Tuesday or Wednesday. Gr. 8s have begun Ch. 9 on Linear Expressions/Relations.
Social Studies-- Students have been working on Religion in Rome projects that are due this Tuesday. Later this week we will be discussing daily life in Ancient Rome.
Science-- We started a unit on optics this past week, discussing properties of light and the additive and subtractive colour theories. This week we will look at laws of reflection and refraction.
Art-- Students have started creating paintings and hats to decorate at the 'Mad Hatter' themed Spring Tea. They will finish up their projects this week.
Important Dates
Apr. 16--Lunch Lady, Shops p.m..
Apr. 17--Running Club begins: every Tues. & Thurs. 8:00 a.m.
Apr. 20--No School
Apr. 24--Shops p.m.
Apr. 28--Spring Tea
May 2--Volunteer Appreciation Reception--8:45 a.m., Shops p.m.
May 10--Shops p.m.
May 14--Lunch Lady
May 18--Shops p.m.
May 21--No School
May 29--Shops p.m.
May 30--Evening of the Arts
June 6--Shops p.m.
June 14--Shops p.m.
June 17--Graduates @ BSL Church @ 10:00
June 18--Lunch Lady
June 19--21--Gr. 7/8 Camp, Luther Village
June 22--Shops p.m.
June 25--No School
June 27--Grade 8 Graduation 1:00 p.m.
June 29--Last Day of School--9:00 a.m. Kindergarten Grad, Sports Day 10:30 a.m., Awards 1:00-2:00 p.m.