Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Weekly Update Oct. 10/11

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you all have enjoyed a restful Thanksgiving Weekend with lots of family time.

ELA--I will be checking reading logs on Monday for 150 min. of reading as well as Agendas for signatures. The students had all week to work on their Scrapbook/Timeline/Autobiography project. The due date is Oct. 11 and I look forward to seeing their finished work. The students will have an opportunity to view their peers work as well through a gallery display and will be able to make comments on each others projects. It should be lots of fun. We will be starting a Short Story Anthology this week as well as work on some Creative Writing and descriptive writing. Four Reader Responses for October are due on Friday, Oct. 28.

Math--Gr. 8s have begun Ch. 2 on ratios and rates. The Gr. 7s will start Ch. 2 tomorrow. The Gr. 7s will also be bringing home their tests for signatures tomorrow.

Social Studies--We will be completing Ch.1 this week. We have been discussing Oral, Visual and Social history as well as Archaeology and Archaeologists. We will conclude by talking about different societies.

Religion--We will be looking at the Apostles Creed this week.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns via email or call the school.

Important Dates
Oct. 10--Thanksgiving No School
Oct. 11--Picture Order Forms Due
Oct. 12--Shops p.m., Hot Lunch--Hot Dogs
Oct. 17--Lunch Lady Lunch
Oct. 19--Picture Re-takes, School Wide Photo
Oct. 20--Shops p.m.
Oct. 21--SAGE No School
Oct. 24--Fred Penner Performance
Oct. 26--Hot Lunch--Pancakes
Oct. 28--Four Reader Responses Due