The students have made it through one full week of school and we have discussed rules, expectations, and set up our classroom routines.
ELA--Students have set up their Power Paragraph Journal and Reader Response Journal. I will check their logs on Monday for 150 min. of reading. The students presented their final copy of "My Summer Vacation" on Friday. I also gave their first project to them...a Scrapbook/Timeline/Autobiography. I will attach the document for you to browse. Please help your student by finding pictures of them to go with each year of their life. They can be digital or we can photocopy/print them in color at the school.
Math--Both grades have begun Ch. 1. Gr. 7s should expect a quiz on Monday to end unit one.
Social Studies--We conducted some research on Sept. 11, 2001 and presented on Friday discussing the impact this historic event has on society today.
French--Began oral communication on my family.
Agenda--I will check their agenda for daily signatures each Monday.
The students practiced painting with watercolors with Ms. Kuhl. They will be completing an art project with her this week.
Important Dates
Sept. 19--Lunch Lady Lunch
Sept. 20--Running Club starts @ 8:00 a.m. with permission slips
Sept. 23--Shops, p.m.
Sept. 26--PIP meeting @ 7:00
Sept. 28--Chapel Presentations, Terry Fox Walk
Sept. 30--Picture Day
Oct. 3--Shops p.m.
Oct. 7--Book Order Due
Oct. 10--Thanksgiving No School
Oct. 12--Shops p.m.
Oct. 20--Shops p.m.
Oct. 21--SAGE No School
Oct. 24--Fred Penner Performance