Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Weekly Update February 18

I will be contacting families to schedule Student Led Conferences at the beginning of March. Each family will be given some possible times to meet which could include lunch time. Let me know when I contact you, what works best for you.

Enjoy your Louis Riel Weekend! See you Tuesday!

ELA—Four Reader Responses for February are due Mar. 1. Students started thei new Novel Study on Freak the Mighty.

Math--Grade 7s completed Ch. 6, and will continue their study on Fractions in Chapter 7. Grade 8s are completing Ch. 6 on Fractions (Multiplying and Dividing). Test will be next week.

Social Studies--No Report

Science—No Report

French—We continued our study on Festival du Voyageur. We had a great time on our field trip to Festival du Voyageur.

Dates to Remember:
Feb. 21--Louis Riel Day--No School
Feb. 23--Shops p.m.
Feb. 25--PD Day--No School
Mar. 1--Book Order Due
Mar. 4--Admin. Day--No School
Mar. 11--Report Card Day

Monday, February 14, 2011

Weekly Update February 11

Spirit Week has ended and the students seemed to enjoy themselves. Thanks to all for participating.

We will watch the Rate and Review--Smoking Commercials on Monday. If you have any objections please email me.

I have been keeping students in at lunch recess if they have not completed their class work or homework. So far it has been successful for completing work but it has meant that I have students every lunch hour each week. As most of the students do not like going outside, this has seemed a great idea for them. Thus, the students finish their work at lunch but will receive consequences as well for not completing their work on their own time. So far, students have been doing cleaning jobs for Mrs. Sands but may also help Mr. Cardinal if this continues. I would like to encourage them to complete homework and classwork when required.

ELA—Three Reader Responses for February are due Mar. 1. Students will be starting their new Novel Study on Freak the Mighty this week.

Math--Grade 7s are working on Ch. 6, Fractions (Addition & Subtraction). Grade 8s are working on Ch. 6 Fractions (Multiplying and Dividing). Tests on both of these chapters will be next week.

Social Studies--The students looked at how people affect the environment. ie. mining, pollution, clear cutting, etc.

Science—We finished our discussion on scientific theories and then worked through Particle Theory of Matter. We related it to changes of state

French—We continued our study on Festival du Voyageur.

Dates to Remember:
Feb. 14--Shops p.m.
Feb. 14--Lunch Lady Lunch
Feb. 15--Book Order Due
Feb. 16--Open House at the School
Feb. 18--7/8 Festival du Voyageur (more info. coming)
Feb. 21--Louis Riel Day--No School
Feb. 23--Shops p.m.
Feb. 25--PD Day--No School
Mar. 4--Admin. Day--No School
Mar. 11--Report Card Day

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Weekly Update February 8

Happy Spirit Week!

This week the students have been asked to participate in a number of activities including "dress-up" days. Monday was school colors day. Tuesday is Sports Day. Wednesday will be Favorite Character Day followed by Wacky Hair and Clothing Day on Thursday. On Friday we will have Pyjama Day and the students will view a movie sometime during the morning to end the week. Some of the activities the students will be involved in are: DEAR, Moo Reader Contest, Moostache judging, etc. It is a very busy and exciting week.

Please find attached a letter in regards to the Rate and Review--Smoking Commercials.

ELA—We have finally completed the Let Me Tell You Anthology. Three Reader Responses for February are due Mar. 1. Students will be starting their new Novel Study on Freak the Mighty during this busy week.

Math--Grade 7s are working on Ch. 6,Fractions (Addition & Subtraction). Grade 8s are working on Ch. 6 Fractions (Multiplying and Dividing). Tests on both of these chapters will be early next week.

Social Studies--Worked on a brochure for the country in Africa, Asia, or Australia they were studying. Discussed how the natural environment affects a people's way of life.

Science—We have discussed the definition of scientific theories and how theories are formed. We have planned an experiment to test a theory.

French—We started our study on Festival du Voyageur.

Dates to Remember:
Feb. 7--11 Spirit Week
Feb. 10--Hot Dog Day
Feb. 11--Rocks and Rings Program
Feb. 14--Shops p.m.
Feb. 14--Lunch Lady Lunch
Feb. 16--Open House at the School
Feb. 18--7/8 Festival du Voyageur (more info. coming)
Feb. 21--Louis Riel Day--No School
Feb. 23--Shops p.m.
Feb. 25--PD Day--No School
Mar. 4--Admin. Day--No School
Mar. 11--Report Card Day