ELA--Monday--Agenda Check and Reading Log Check for 150 minutes of completed reading signed by a parent.
Four Reader Responses are due October 31.
The students have been working on some comprehension stories, prepositions, grammar and their spelling program.
They have begun a Novel Study on Tuck Everlasting.
Math--Gr. 7--Students are working on Ch. 2--Operations on Decimal Numbers along with a new online program called Mathletics.
Math--Gr. 8--Students are working on Ch. 3--Pythagorean Relationship along with a new online program called Mathletics.
Social Studies--Students have been working on a travel itinerary using time zones and mapping skills. They will continue to discuss regions and landforms in Canada.
Science--Students have completed cellular respiration and photosynthesis as well as sustainability and are working on transfer of energy within food webs.
ELA--Every Monday morning I check agendas for signatures and Reading Logs for 150 minutes of completed reading signed by a parent.
Four Reader Responses are due October 31.
The All About Me Project will be due at the end of Monday's class. Students were to finish their good copies over the weekend and use tomorrow's class to print and assemble their final hand-in copy.
We have started an individualized spelling program where the students choose their own words based on a Spelling Rule of the Week, Commonly Misspelled Words, and a list of their own spelling words that they need to practice. Spelling Tests are on Thursday and we will choose a new rule on Thursdays as well for the next week.
We will be working on some comprehension stories, creative writing and some adjective/adverb practice in the upcoming weeks.
Math--Gr. 7--Students are beginning Ch. 2--Operations on Decimal Numbers
Math--Gr. 8--Students are completing Ch. 2--Ratios, Rates and Proportional Reasoning.
Social Studies--Students will be discussing regions and landforms in Canada.
Science--Students have worked on ecosystems and their components, ecological succession related to the Mt. St. Helen's eruption and sustainability including the Aboriginal Perspective of survival of the 7th generation.