Friday, December 16, 2011

Weekly Update December 16, 2011

Good Afternoon,

Band Trip to the Forks--The band students will be performing at the Forks on Monday, December 19 at 10:00. We will be leaving the school at 9:30 to arrive and set-up the instruments for the performance. The performance will be over at approximately 10:30. Students will be returning to the school after their performance. Thanks in advance for volunteering to drive.

Christmas Gift Exchange--This was a huge success. The students seemed to have fun with the exchange. Thank-you to all who participated.

Christmas Hamper Program will be running from Dec 16-20 this year. Our classroom hamper has been completed. We would like to have it delivered on Monday. If anyone is available, please let me know so I can contact the family.

Christmas Concert--Students are to arrive at 6:00 wearing their Christmas "best". If anyone is unable to attend please let Mr. B or myself know as soon as possible.

ELA--I will be checking reading logs on Monday for 150 min. of reading as well as Agendas for signatures. Students are working on their last Reader's Theatre project and will finish it up next week.

Math--Gr. 8s had a test on Ch. 4 today. They will be completing a comprehensive review next week on Ch. 1-4. Tests will go home for signing on Monday. The Gr. 7s wrote their test on Ch. 4 today and will receive it back on Monday for signing. They will be working on their comprehensive review of Ch.1-4 next week as well.

Social Studies--Students completed their Egyptian role play "meeting" and some mapping work. They will continue with their unit on Egypt next week.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns via email or call the school.

Important Dates
Dec. 19--Forks Performance (5-8 Band- 10 am), Lunch Lady Lunch
Dec. 20--Shops p.m.
Dec. 21--Christmas Concert @ BSLC @ 6:30
Dec. 22--Last Day of Classes
Jan. 9--Return to School

Monday, December 12, 2011

Weekly Update December 9, 2011

Band Trip to the Forks--The band students will be performing at the Forks on Monday, December 19 at 10:00. We will be leaving the school at 9:15 to arrive and set-up the instruments for the performance. The performance will be over at approximately 10:30. Students will be able to stay at the Forks to skate and have lunch. They will leave the Forks at approximately 12:40 to return to the school for afternoon classes at 12:50. The students will be able to skate from 10:45 until 11:45 and then have lunch at the Forks. Please send money for them to purchase their lunch. If you have ordered lunch from the Lunch Lady program the students will be able to take it home with them. Skates can be rented at the Forks: $2.00 for students, $4.50 for adults. The students will have a short time to shop during their lunch time.

Christmas Gift Exchange--The students have decided to do a gift exchange this year. Each student will bring a gift wrapped present on the theme of books and/or gift cards worth $10-$15. If they bring a gift they will select a number to choose the order in which they will select one of the wrapped gifts. Once a gift has been unwrapped it can be stolen from another student, but only twice. Hopefully this will be a fun experience. Students do not have to participate. If they bring a gift, they get a gift. We will exchange gifts on Dec. 16 as one of our students will be away the following week.

Christmas Hamper Program will be running from Dec 16-20 this year. I will be giving the students information about our classroom hamper on Monday. Our class will be providing a family with a hamper and will be donating all of the non-perishable items as well as gifts for the children. We are definitely looking for families to participate in delivering the hampers for the church as well as someone to deliver our classroom hamper.

ELA--I will be checking reading logs on Monday for 150 min. of reading as well as Agendas for signatures. Students have been working on a Reader's Theatre Unit with Ms. Kuhl. They wrote their own Reader's Theatre based on a story of their choice and performed them in groups. Three Reader Responses for December will be due on Dec. 16.

Math--Gr. 8s are working on Ch. 4--Percents, Fractions and Decimals. They will be writing a test by the end of next week. The Gr. 7s have been working on Ch. 4, Fractions & Percents with Ms. Kuhl. They also will be writing a test by the end of next week.

Social Studies--Students wrote a test on Wednesday for Ancient Societies. They should have brought it home for signing. The have started their new unit on Egypt with Ms. Kuhl.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns via email or call the school.

Important Dates
Dec. 12--Shops p.m.
Dec. 14--Pancake Lunch
Dec. 16--20--Christmas Hamper Program
Dec. 16--Three Reader Responses Due
Dec. 19--Forks Performance (5-8 Band- 10 am), Lunch Lady Lunch
Dec. 20--Shops p.m.
Dec. 21--Christmas Concert @ BSLC @ 6:30
Dec. 22--Last Day of Classes
Jan. 9--Return to School

Monday, December 5, 2011

Weekly Update December 5, 2011

Christmas Gift Exchange--The students have decided to do a gift exchange this year. Each student will bring a gift wrapped present on the theme of books and/or gift cards worth $10-$15. If they bring a gift they will select a number to choose the order in which they will select one of the wrapped gifts. Once a gift has been unwrapped it can be stolen from another student, but only twice. Hopefully this will be a fun experience. Students do not have to participate. If they bring a gift, they get a gift. We will exchange gifts on Dec. 16 as one of our students will be away the following week.

Christmas Hamper Program will be running from Dec 14-17 this year. We will be providing more information as we get closer about how you can be involved. We are definitely looking for families to participate in delivering the hampers, especially on the Saturday.

ELA--I will be checking reading logs on Monday for 150 min. of reading as well as Agendas for signatures. Students have been working on a Reader's Theatre Unit with Ms. Kuhl. They are currently writing their own Reader's Theatre based on a story of their choice. Three Reader Responses for December will be due on Dec. 16.

Math--Gr. 8s are working on Ch. 4--Percents. The Gr. 7s have been working on Ch. 4, Fractions & Percents with Ms. Kuhl.

Social Studies--We are completing our study of Ancient Societies this week and will have a test later in the week.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns via email or call the school.

Important Dates
Dec. 5--Pancake Day Form Due, Lunch Lady Form Due
Dec. 12--Shops p.m.
Dec. 14--Pancake Lunch
Dec. 14--17--Christmas Hamper Program
Dec. 16--Three Reader Responses Due, Christmas Gift Exchange
Dec. 19--Forks Performance (5-8 Band- 10 am), Lunch Lady Lunch
Dec. 20--Shops p.m.
Dec. 21--Christmas Concert @ BSLC @ 6:30
Dec. 22--Last Day of Classes
Jan. 9--Return to School