The count down is on by both students and teachers. Seven more days to go!
If you are going to be away or your student will not be attending any of the last days of school, please let me know. Many of the students have indicated family plans for June 28-30 and will not be in attendance. All reports will go out by mail if students are not present on June 30. All lockers and desks will need to be cleaned out before the student leaves for the year.
PIP BBQ –June 23 5:00 – 7:30
Free supper, beverages etc.
Free Entertainment
Free Activities
Candy Vendor with cotton candy, candy apples and fudge for sale
All families are welcome to attend.
ELA & Religion--The students have now completed their final stories and presented them to the class on Friday. They were all very well done. We completed our sex ed. unit and I will be showing the 15 min. video today. The class will be presenting at chapel on Wed. to share their favorite songs, bible stories and respect for chapel service. Gr. 8 students will also be working on their speeches for grad and Gr. 7s will be working on their farewell presentation for the Gr. 8s.
Math--We have completed all of our curriculum.
Social Studies--Worked on researching a person or organization that works to improve the lives of others in the world.
Science--Students are finishing up the mini-unit on optics.
French--We worked on various vocabulary activities.
Important Dates:
June 22--Shops p.m.--Last Shops Class
June 23--PIP BBQ
June 24--Gr. 8 Grad @ 1:30
June 25--No School Admin. Day
June 28--Sports Day, p.m. only
June 29--Kindergarten Grad--a.m., Awards--p.m.
June 30--Last Day